Chapter 9: Moment to fight

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S.O.C means sword of choice (or swords cause you can also duel wield like I do)

3rd Person
Y/n and the group just got back to and then to lover's lane. Y/n had his own house, aaron had a house with aphmau, Katelyn and KC lived together, Zane, Laurence and garroth lived together, Dante lived with Travis and Cadenza lived by herself also. Y/n had been on his bed contemplating life and then he heard a doorbell, it was Aaron.

Reader P.O.V
"Hey Aaron, what's up?" "APHMAU, KATELYN, LUCINDA, NICOLE AND KC GOT CAPTURED!!!!" I just stoped there, frozen. I grabbed my S.O.C and ran out the door with the guys. Aaron had his long, black sword and Dante had his 2 katanas. The rest had there own weapon. We followed the trails the left. We got to the wear house, it was dark out. We opened the door and and they screamed "LEAVE, IT A TRAP!"

3rd person
Once they finished screaming, this blur tried to stab Aaron but Y/n went in front of him and stabed his arm. "Not today..." said y/n. And then the blur punched y/n so hard he went flying back. Aaron and Dante tried to hit but he dodged every attack. Laurence tried to hit the blur but he caught the sword and smacked him with the hilt of it. Garroth and Zane tried to get a hit but failed, they got lauched back. Travis went running up to the blur screaming "Those are my friends you kidnapped!!!" The blur sliced travis threw the body but not cutting him in half. Aaron and dante picked up y/n. Y/n went running to the blur. He hacked and slashed at the blur, he got 1 hit. The blur ran infront of all the guys they all went down except y/n. They had an epic battle with swords and the clashed swords and got a couple hit in each. The both were weak y/n only using his will power to keep fighting. The blur looked weak also. They started to fight again. It was so dark out, all you can see are the sparks of the swords clashing. They both went far apart. They went running at each other slashing the swords. They were in opposite sides. The blur dropped his sword and collapsed on the floor. They were fighting all night. Y/n saw the sun starting to come up. He saw the guys starting to get up. Y/n limped his way to the girls until he felt a sharp pain in his gut, he looked down and saw a sword through his stomach. He turned around. He walk with the sword in his gut and slashed at the blur. The blur was dead. His blurriness was fading away. He was Zenix. Y/n pulled out the sword and cut the girls free. KC ran up to y/n hugging him tight and crying. Katelyn walked up to y/n slapping him a couple times "YOU IDIOT! YOU COULD'VE DIED!!!" "There is another person you should worry about. His name is Travis." "Travis!!!" Katelyn ran to Travis tearing up. Aphmau walked up to Y/n and showed her gratitude for saving Aaron and ran towards him. Nicole ran to Katelyn and Lucinda. Y/N felt weak and passed out.

~Time skip~

Y/n woke up in the hospital. No one was there except the nurse checking y/n vitals.

Reader P.O.V
"What happened?" I asked. The nurse explained everything and the memories came back to me. I took off the heart rate monitor and and the other stuff. I looked for my clothes and found a bag with a note. Its was kc and she bought some new clothes for me. I put them on. "Hey nurse, how long was I out?" "2 and a half months" she said with no hesitation. I got my stuff and I ran out. I went to aphmau's house and knocked on the door. Aphmau opened and teared up when she saw me. "Y/n... Everyone thought you weren't going to wake up..." "Speaking of everyone, where are they? They guys went to work except Aaron but all the girls that you saved are in my room along with Aaron. Kc is in a depression because she thought you were dead." "I need to go up there!" I ran in the house and went to her room. I stopped at the door. I opened it slowly and saw everyone looking at me, shocked and teared up. "Y/n..." Everyone said in unison. Kc ran to me hugging me tight. I lifted her chin and gave her a passionate kiss. We parted after a while. Aaron walked up to me and patted my on the shoulder because KC was still hugging me. "Thanks for saving me and aph, I owe you big time." "Anytime." I said with a smirk. Katelyn looked at me and said "Kawaii~chan kept your sword(s) as a memory of you. She kept it by her side cause she felt safe with it. Because you safed her. Anytime she didnt have it, she had nightmares." Everyone else just thanked me. I sat down with Kc still hugging me. I started to speak. "I know all of you think im crazy but we went through a lot together, and I never want to give that up. You all mean a lot to me, especially you KC." Lucinda then started to speak. "You're crazy for sure. But I think I can speak for everyone when I say this. Thank you for saving us, you are our hero. I can remember when you were the kid in the corner to being the kid that saved us, thanks can't even explain our gratitud." Everyone shook in agreement. Everyone stayed to catch up with me. It got late so everyone left. KC gave me a passionate kiss and left. I stood up and went home. What a day....

Why did I write this? I thought I owe you guys a ton for being patient with me. I hope you like the action and I wanted to introduce swords into this because I want to do more with them. If you guys didn't like to them don't hate plz. Have a wonderful day.

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