Pheonix (Category: Immortality/Myth)

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The phoenix is a legendary species of bird which is ever lasting and highly magical. The phoenix, like the dragon, is depicted in many cultures, even appearing in tapestries dating back to ancient times as a large red bird, which is the common depiction nowadays. The phoenix is a self-resurrecting bird, which, when its life ends, burns up and then rises from its ashes as a little chick. I think the main reason for this life cycle is because there are very few of these birds, so this preservation process has been created by their immense magical power so they can continue to live. An easy example in today’s society would be the Turritopsis dohrnii jellyfish, which can regenerate its cells and is basically immortal.

This bird is red in colour and has long tail feathers like a peacock or parrot with the decorative eyes at the ends fo each stem feather. They are large birds, roughly the size of a golden eagle or can be larger. They also have crest feathers on their head, like a cockatoo, but they don’t move up and down, simply staying to the back of the head and flicked at the ends like a funky hair-style.

Their temperament can vary as well. As the bird is basically immortal, they are incredibly wise and knowledgeable, but they cannot speak. They can easily communicate with other animals, but they sound like any other normal bird, communicating with squarks and screeches. Some may be able to communicate by thought, but this is a disputed feature. Phoenixes also have a daringness and willingness to take risks, and this can at times lead to dangerous situations if they are left unchecked, or become jaded which can cause them to become easily irritable, reckless, careless and prone to accidents; and their behaviour can make them appear impatient, restless, unkempt, and unstable. (But wouldn't you be if you didn't die easily?)

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