The Slender Man (Category: Myth)

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This monster is very thin and unnaturally tall man with a blank and usually featureless face, and is usually wearing a black suit, and apparently has many arms coming from his back which tear people apart. It is said that when you come face to face with the monster, you mustn't blink, (like with The Weeping Angels in Doctor Who with number 10, David Tennent) otherwise he will kill you by tearing you apart like a gory rag doll. Mainly depicted in forests, where he can camoflage himself with the trees, notes of A4 lined paper can be seen stamped to the trees or the ground with creepy messages on them (though this is a disputed fact, please check google images)

The Slender Man is commonly said to stalk, abduct, or traumatize people, particularly children. The Slender Man is not tied to any particular story, but appears in many disparate works of fiction, mostly composed online, which is where this demon monster was originally made up as an internet meme.

But this creature has surprisingly been featured in a Doctor Who episode with the 11th Doctor Matt Smith, being proudly called the Silence. Though an alien race, the Silence are a beautiful rendition of the The Slender Man-or Skinny Jack as other versions are said to have called it, and there is an uncanny resemblance, leading to believe that the Slender Man could become a great fictional monster; with the right prompting, of course.

Jack Skellington is another fictional character that seems to be related to the Slender Man stories, though he is a skelington in this version, with a pin stripe suit rather than a dull yet swarve black one.

Other monsters to look out for are Jeff the Killer and Eyeless Jack, which seem to link in with the Slender Man, which have been told in many variations of urban legends on the website

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