Yeti (Category: Myth)

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The Yeti is a large humanoid creature which tends to live in cold areas.

The people of Nepal call it a  'rakshasa' which is Sanskrit for 'demon'. According to them, stories of its existence date back to the 4th century BCE; references to the Yeti are found in a poem called 'Rama and Sita'. It has regularly been sighted since 1832. Yeti means 'magical creature' but the name 'The Abominable Snowman' was given to it by western newspapers who wanted to give their readers the feeling of terror which the creature supposedly causes in the valleys, crevices and glaciers of the Himalayas.

A bear macaque is similar in likeness to a yeti type creature and they are found to live in Cambodia, south-western China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, and Yunnan provinces), north-eastern India (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Tripura provinces), Lao PDR, north-western Peninsular Malaysia, northern Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam. In The Mummy trilogy, The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon emperor , they are in China and are racing against another risen mummy, played by Jet Li, and so come to the Himalayas. As they are attacked, the young Lin summons the Yetis for help by calling to the mountains.

According to legends, there are three species: the Rimi (8.5 feet), the Nyalmot (14.5 feet) and the Raksi-Bombo (4.11 feet). In spite of differences in size, the species have a general resemblance. The Yeti are covered in thick hair, which can vary from reddish hair to grey to white; smells terrible and it is very strong - it throws boulders as if they were pebbles. It makes an ululating or whistling sound, and is sometimes heard roaring like a lion. The yeti is rumored to be very fond of strong alcoholic drinks, though this is a very disputed fact (and I wouldn't want to go drinking with a yeti if it smells so bad!) They can also have horns coming from the sides or top of the head in a spiraled pattern around the face, like a ram. Their faces are usually hairless, making them look more human, but this is speculation and the authors can do as they please.

There are many uncertainties about its origin and whether or not it exists. Some say that the yeti is a descendant of a race of giant apes, the 'gigantophitecus' who retreated into the Himalayas some 500,000 years ago. Another theory is that the yetis are descendant of the A-o-re, an ancient people that fled into the mountains to escape their enemies. In the following millennia, they degraded to a race of monstrous creatures. Skeptics say that the tracks were made by ordinary animals like a bear or an ape.

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