Before you read

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First and foremost, thank you so so much for taking the time to read my story. This is story very dear to my heart, and it is very important to me. I really appreciate you reading it, voting ;) and giving me feedback on it.

This is a short story. Each chapter will most probably have about 200-500 words each, so please don't ask me to make them longer.

Also, all my chapters are written in lowercase. There will be no capitalisation what so ever so don't try to "correct me" and say I didn't capitalise the I or this and that. I did that for a reason. I wanted my story structure that way for a reason.

In this story I will be talking about eating disorders and depression mainly. There might be mentions of abuse but nothing too graphic. If you feel like you cannot handle that then this book is not for you.

This story is basically glimpses into Jace (main character)'s thoughts. I will not include everything that goes on in their lives and some questions may or may not be left unanswered.

This was inspired by flawed- . Her story Beautiful and most of her other works are very touching and I really liked her writing style a lot so when I was writing this I'd just read some of her works. But this is a original story of mine, I own the characters, the story line and everything in between.

Do Not Steal My Stuff! I will report you to wattpad if you do.

THEME SONG : Skinny Love by Birdy

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