Chapter 13

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Planning a wedding is hard !!! specially when you have a lil princess to look after and you are throwing up 24/7 !

But it all pays off cause to day is the day ! Sam is upfront holding fawn my mates are waiting for me ~ and I'm re brushing my teeth cause I puked my guts up again !!!

" Sweetie you aren't even dressed yet what's wrong ? " I spit in the sink and wipe my mouth looking at my mom in his fave lil party dress " I'm not feeling well .. like I have been hit by a truck ..." mom smiles " well ~ " he holds up a box of pregnancy tests I sigh " fine ... " he grins leaving me to do what I have to ... I leave the 3 tests on the counter then walk out so I can get dressed .... 5 minuets later mom and I check the plastic sticks making mom squeal " yay !!! ok new photo to add to the video ! " He then takes a photo of one and then runs out to get dad .... he walks in trying to keep in together I smile hugging him " hey dad.... lets get this party started " he laughs a bit then we head out ...

When I walk out my whole family smiles my grandma starts crying and I smile ... I look forward at my two sexy mates and soon we are there one of them on each side of me ....

After the whole speech the pack doctor then says we are now married " well kiss each other !" I giggle then both Arron and Asher kiss me at the same time everyone claps and cheers I even hear a whistle ...

At the party as we all laughed and ate mom and dad got on stage as a video clip started " alright hi family ! well we wanted to show everyone a quick time line of Peter growing up and that he and his family will still be growing together "

the video starts out with me and my brother starting to walk .... we are holding hands and screaming at each other cause it's a race .... that makes everyone laugh .. the next is a clip of me and mom cooking .... I'm about four ... and I just cracked a whole egg in the bowl of flower making mom laugh as he tried to pick the egg shells out and I just asked if I did good ..... that made everyone aaawwww' then there's a video of 12 year old me and Sam punching eachother till he had a black eye and I had a busted lip and I laughed it off saying ' see dad ! I'm just as strong as Sammy ! ' That made every one smile a bit and my eyes water .... then there was a video of me and Sam a few days after the rape ' sssshhhhh it's all right Peter .... I'm not gonna let any one hurt you ... every .... over my dead ripped to shreds body ' Sam muttered as broken and shaking me sobbed clinging to him in his bed ... then a new clip appeared it was me in the house with the twins with my round belly the twins were just rubbing my stomach then they kissed me .... the next clip was of fawn crying then the twins taking her and me laughing from the kitchen as Ross and Oscar ran to the twins with diaper and wipes in hand ..... then there's a photo of me on my birthday and the last photo saying ' our family is getting bigger ' and it is of one of the pregnancy tests with a + on it then it shows us kissing after saying the I do's

Everyone cheers and the twins look at me surprised and over the moon .... I smile then rub my belly a bit looking down feeling my cheeks heat up .... they then they kiss my cheeks hugging me " another baby ! " I laugh nodding " I just found out so mom thought it be cool to add it to this video thing " they nod smiling Sam then walks over holding fawn who is nuzzling in to his chest and fussing I sigh " ah the peace is over I need to feed lil princess .. " I take her from same then hug him he whispers " you are stronger than me Peter " then walks back to our family I smile down at fawn trying not to cry as I take her to her room to be fed .....

Well once the family left ( mom helped me clean up ) I changed in to sweat pants and a tank top then sat on the couch watching fawn sleep on her floor mat ... Arron walks in yawning ... all he has on is his boxers as he plops down on the couch " hey babe ... I'm so happy we are married .. " I smile then Asher runs in with Cas who has gotten bigger " hey I want snuggle time " he hops on the couch and I grin " I love my husbands " they grin then kiss me " hey babe ~ " I look up at them " maybe we should have our own lil honey moon right now " they say grinning " fawns asleep "" Cas is here to watch her " I sigh " oh I guess we could ...but take her to her room " They grin as Asher carries me to are room Arron takes fawn to hers then appears in our a moment later ...

As they pulled off any clothes they had I slipped off and out of my clothes I pulled them in to bed and started a make out session ....

As things started getting hotter before we got to far we heard Castiel barking followed by glass breaking the twins are up and running shifting mid air ' NO !! not my baby !!' I get up tugging pants on as I run to the growling a snapping sounds only to see a rogue and a some girl in the room ... my mates are dragging the rogue outside as I hiss at the girl ready to shift " give me my baby ! " I demand she looks at me and I notice she's not even 10 ! " I I'm sorry !! " She says as huge tears start streaming down her cheeks and she's shaking ... I calmly walked to her and sat on my knees looking in to her dark brown eyes as her pretty red hair falls down " sweetie please calm down ... What's your name ?" I ask as I sit her in the chair taking fawn from her " m-my names Hannah ... I don't know anyone but that meanie ... Im only 6 ! I'm so sorry ! I I don't know better !" i shush her kissing her red cheek " Hannah ... sweet heart calm down .... is he the only family you have ? " She nods I sigh pat her head " are you hungry ? " She nods ....

As I fixed her a grilled cheese she sat at the table holding fawn ..... as I sat the food and a cup of water down Arron and Asher walk in bites and scratches all over them .... they pulled on some pants then grumbled " bastard was hard to kill .... " I sigh the girl just eats happily by me ...

" Can we keep her ? " I ask them when I get to them ... they look at me then the girl " how old is she ? " " What's her name ?" I smile a bit " her names Hannah she's 6 and she doesn't have any family .... please she's so sweet " as they thought .... a small tug on there pants pull them out of the clouds to look at the red head " uh m misters .... I s saw a puppy .... c can I play with him please ! " They smile kneeling to her " sure ... but hey How do you feel about us being your daddies ?" they ask and she just smiles " you be papa you are daddy and you ! " She looks at me " mommy ! " I smile and hug her " yes I'm mommy ... and this is your sister ... and your gonna have another sibling in a couple of months aswell " she smiles giggling " ok all cuties need to sleep ! " Me and her pout and the twins laugh " fine on the couch lets watch a movie !!

" Finding nemo !" we shout as fawn stares at me like ' you crazy '

Dang another update I'm on fire ! no really noodles I am my thumbs burn I typed super fast

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