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Meditation has been around for a very very long time. There are several different kinds of meditations and each of them have a different effect and purpose. 

We can separate meditations into three different sections:

Focused, open, and existence.

Focused Meditations can use breath, a worldly item, An image in your mind's eye, or even a body part.

Open meditations are when you don't focus on any one thing in particular but acknowledge thoughts and happenings but don't explore them.

The third form i like to call existence. This is when you stop focusing on anything at all and no thoughts are crossing your mind. You literally are just existing in the moment with nothing distracting you.

Meditation can be a very tricky things and it is a little difficult to get the hang of because in this world we have so many things that draw our attention that we forget how to just let it all go. It can be very very beneficial though to practice this. 

I would suggest starting with Focused Meditations as this can help you learn to shut off all input from the outer world or unneeded thoughts. You won't start out being able to do long meditations but with time you mind and body will learn to relax and let everything go.

Here are a few detailed ways you can start and from there you can evolve your practice to better suit your own path.

The first thing I started with was a lit candle. I chose a white candle because of what it ment to me but any color works. I would choose a candle that you feel close to or one that represents what you hope to achieve by meditating. 

The way this style of meditation works:

1) get comfortable and find a quiet space.

       your bedroom or even your closet if you want to feel more like you are in your own world and won't be disturbed by anyone while you meditate. Some people prefer to wear no clothing but that is only by personal preference. What ever you do, just make sure that you are comfortable.

2) just breath for a while and get settled a little 

3) lite the candle and focus on the flame alone. Let everything else go but the flame and your existence. When thoughts cross your mind acknowledge there existence and then let them go. Keep going until you consciousness settles down a little and you feel completely relaxed.

4) stay this way until you feel like you are done and then go on with your day. When you first start meditation the quietness of your mind won't stay long but keep at it and with time the silence will stay longer. 

The second way you can start out is by focusing on your breathing.

set yourself up the same way you did with the prior method but focus on you breath rather then the candle. Once you get to a point with these meditations the more complex methods will become easier as well.

After you work with these and feel comfortable finding guided meditations on the internet, i find mine on youtube, are a great idea. This will introduce you to the more spiritual side of the meditations and give you an practice on working with mantras. It can also help you learn how to separate you spirit from the physical world to explore beyond. Don't do that without a guided meditation, especially if you are not very experienced. You can get trapped there and only a jarring in the physical world will break it.

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