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The car makes a rumbling sound and suddenly pulls to a stop after a few desperate wheezes, spraying exhaust all over the back of Char's not-so-pristine-anymore white convertible. I honestly think Char's parents bought her that car when they split up as an 'I'm sorry' present. Char didn't really care much about the 'I'm sorry' part, but she loves the car.

"Again! Aaagh!!!!" Char throws her hands up in frustration. When she got a used convertible from her dad last year, she was excited until she found out why. It routinely stops and probably has spent more time in the shop than on the road.

"Man, Char, I know you love your car, but honestly I don't feel comfortable with you of all people driving this heap of junk." Josh teasingly glances over at her, and she hits him playfully with a closed fist.

"Don't go smack-talkin my baby, Josh. You may be Becca's boyfriend, but that won't stop me from kicking you out and going shopping with her." Char laughs loudly as we climb out of the car, and turns to call her good friend John from the car repair shop.

"Yeah, we were headed over to Josh's house and now we're on Jamison, so can I just leave it here so you'll pick it up..." Char continues to talk rapidly to John on the phone. At some point, I drift off and snap back suddenly when a warm hand catches mine.

"Come on, let's head out to my house." Josh says.

"Kay, but can we wait for Char?" who has finally put down her phone and is staring at me with a weird expression.

"Well, I thought it would be good to have some alone time because we're going to be in a confined space for twelve hours." He looks expectantly at me.

"Hmm... Good idea." I smile at him and he instantly lights up.

"And besides, I think Char likes the car guy. She sure spends a lot of time with him." he smiles and laughs, and I giggle with him.

"Char, do you want to wait here? I mean, you can come with, but..." I call out to her.

"No, no. You two need some alone time." She says. Char is the best friend ever, I can always tell her anything, and we are always honest with each other.

When James came, I'm sure she recognized him instantly, but she kept it a secret. I know I have kept some secrets of hers too. The first time I met her was the very first day of freshman year, when we were roommates. Even though we are two totally different people, we instantly clicked. Charlotte is just the kind of person everyone likes.

Josh starts towards his house, which is about six block away. He starts to say something, but then thinks again and doesn't. He just looks at me as we walk. I look at him and look at his eyes, his dark brown eyes. His hair is short on the top of his head, and put in the popular swish that everyone seems to be doing.

Suddenly, his house comes into view and I realize I have been lost in thought while he was talking.

"...and then David said that we should do a trick play, and pass the ball to him. It was so funny everyone just stared and Coach just laughed. It was funny." He continues talking and I realize he is talking about football again.

"That is all you ever talk about" I tease him as we walk up to his door.

"It's not! I also talk about, um..." He says jokingly sarcastic. We both laugh again and I open the door to his house, only to jump in surprise when I almost run his little sister, Stephanie, over.

"Oh. Hey Rebecca." Stephanie says and looks over to where Josh is standing. "Mom is in bed again, if you want the car, which I assume is why you're here, it's in the garage. I'm going over to Minnie's."

"Kay. Wait, isn't Minnie already at her grand-" He stops as she looks back at him, a smile playing at her lips. Minnie is also David's little sister, and David skipped out on the grandparent trip.

"Bye!" She says cheerfully, and waves.

"Hey, Stephanie." I say as a run over to where her car is parked. "Hey, be careful okay?" I'm worried. I have had experience with David, and even though he is sweet...

"I already have an overprotective brother, I do not need you to tell me what to do, Rebecca." She says, haughtily. She turns around to face her wheel and drives off, leaving me in a cloud of dust from the cold street.

I run back inside, shivering in the newly chilled street. I close the door behind me and run over to where Josh is, in the garage, where he is searching throughout the big pile of keys to find the right ones.

As we silently climb in the car, Josh twists the key with such force that I think he might break it.

"Hey, Josh. Don't worry, your sister is smart, she knows what to do." I say.

"It's not her I'm worried about." He looks over at me and then suddenly looks away. "Whatever, just forget it."

My phone vibrates and I pull it out to glance at the screen.

Text from Char

I open the text and smile to myself.

r u DONE I want 2 start plz

"I think Char is ready to go, let's pick her up." I say to no one in particular.

:) k pick u up so stay there. u with car?

"Onwards and upwards, then!" Josh puts a forced smile on his face and I try to smile back at him as if to say 'It will be okay'. Even though my head is swimming, all of this smiling is just a front.

I look away at the passing road and houses, and am instantly reminded of why we are leaving. My uncle is dead. Uncle Charlie was not only an uncle, though. He was my greatest friend until I begged my dad to send me away from him, from his work.

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