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"What?" I say. Why would a scientist want an already out cure for cancer, when he could just buy it?

"Look, I know it seems weird, but Lewis Badmann thinks that this anti-mutation cure could be changed to make, well, what he makes." My father says. I am overloaded with information. How could this be? How could I not know about this?

"Dad. What does this have to do with me?" I ask.

"You see, this man is actually trying to make humans who are-" My dad tries to continue, but I cut him off.

"No. Stop with the stories. Dad, tell me the truth. From the beginning. Or from the time you count as the beginning." I say. I am done playing games, asking for things I'll never get if I didn't know the truth.

"The truth?" My dad asks, scared.

"The truth." I say, "All of it."

"The truth, then." My dad says, and starts his story from the beginning. "When your mother died from cancer, I threw myself into my work. I tried everything, even asking my brother for help. When my brother found way to reverse the mutations, he gave all his research to me. He told me he wanted to 'Do some deeper studies'. I let him study as much as he wanted, and I took the cure for my own. I felt bad about it, but Charlie told me to call it my own, so it would be simpler. What I didn't know was that Dr. Badmann actually had recruited him to find ways to make super soldiers, and he knew that if Badmann found out that he was getting closer, he wouldn't need Charlie anymore." At this I stop him.

"Why didn't he just quit?" I ask, confused, and honestly overwhelmed.

"Charlie thought the research would save lives. Anyways, Charlie found a cure, and Badmann wanted it. Somehow, Badmann found out Charlie made it because no one else could tell him how to make it, and he didn't have cancer. Badmann confronted Charlie once, and Charlie wouldn't tell him. The reason was that Charlie had done more research, like I told you, and had figured out that the cure would help make people strong and fast, but only for a little while. After 2 weeks, they would all die. When Charlie told Badmann the, Badmann thought he was lying, and Charlie couldn't change his mind. Then, Badmann got to Charlie again, and ended up killing him. I found Charlie in the labs one dark night, dying, and I promised him I would keep the cure safe. That's the truth, all of it, Ecco."

I am shocked. He never told me any of this.

"If you told me, I would've helped you!" I say.

"Then, Badmann would come after you. I thought that at least you would be safe this way, if you though I stole it. But Badmann found a way..." My dad says.

All this time, I thought my dad did this all for his own gain, but it was all for me. I start crying again. He wraps me in a warm hug, and I hear another person on the stairs behind me. They come to the hug, and I realize that it is James. With all of the hugging, I feel like my mother is there too, looking over us.

"James, did you know all along too?" I ask. James nods his head no, and hopefully no one sees the relief on my face.

"Roy, your dad, told me in a phone call. I can't say I'm surprised, though. I always knew Charlie was doing something, or was in trouble, that I didn't know about.. I never thought he was stupid, though." James says, and I look at him.

"Stupid? He invented a cure for cancer!" I say, defensive.

"Well, he wanted to keep his family safe, and he ended up endangering them all." He says, and I can't help but agree. Finally all the secrets are out, but I still feel the same, maybe even more confused. James eventually leaves, and me and my dad chat little about my schooling.

"So, what are you going to do now?" My dad asks.

"Well, in light of recent events, I was hoping there would be an open spot for me at the lab?" I say timidly. "I feel like I've been running from it for too long, and it's what I really want to do." don't feel the need to tell him I've always wanted to, but never asked him because I thought he was a liar.

"Of course. But you do know that Badmann is still out there?" My dad says. On his face is an expression I never noticed as a kid. He is concerned.

"I know dad. But if I figure out another way for him to make superhumans, than maybe we will be safe." I say. I will be able to work with my dad, and James. Maybe Ash will even join the lab work now that he's gone to college.

"That's my girl, Becca." my dad says, and he is practically glowing at the thought of me working with him.

"Well," I say, "I would be honored to work with the inventor of a cure for cancer."

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