Chapter 1

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Yuu and I have been dating for almost 2 years. One thing is that Yuu never shows any attention to me, everything he thinks about is work, work and more WORK! We have never had sex and kissed on the mouth. We've just kissed on cheek and forehead but tonight I'm gonna do it! I'm going to kiss him on the mouth the next time I see him even if he's with somebody, and tonight when we go to sleep I'm going to fuck him.

Two hours later~

Yuu-chan came out from a meeting and saw me he ran to me and said that he had to go on a mission and that he'll be home around 9pm.

"I love you" he whispered. Cause we have kept this relation ship a secret, but now I decided it was enough. I grabbed his hips, leaned him backwards and kissed him. Everyone was looking at us with weird faces and I didn't care. We looked like a prince and a princess who where dancing and than kissed. I pulled away from Yuichiro and looked him in the eyes.

"W-w-why did you do that!"

"Yuu-chan! I love you!" I found a box  I had in my pocket than went down on my knees and proposed to Yuu.

"Yuu-chan, will you marry me?" I said with tears in my eyes while everyone gasped like they didn't have a jaw.

"I-I...." Yuichiro started. Yuichiro pulled his left hand to his mouth and started crying.

"Yes!" He said and kissed me than hugged me. We stod there hugging while tears ran down our faces, happy tears. Almost everyone who looked at us started to clap except from Shinoa and Mitsuba, they where angry. I swear I could see that they where on fire, I know that they are angry that I got "their" Yuu but he's mine now bitches!

When we finished hugging Guren and Shinya came to is and Guren patted me on the shoulder.

"Take care of him, or else I'll kill you you damn vampire!" He said with a fake smile.

"He hates you cause you stabbed him some years ago but I know he's actually happy for you guys." Shinya smiled at me

"Thank you!" I said than me and Yuu went out to celebrate. When we got in my car Yuichiro started yelling.

"WHY DID YOU PROPOSE  TO ME IN FRONT OF EVERYONE! I-I mean it's not that I don't want to marry you, but why in front of everyone!?"

"I was tired of hiding, so what if the world knows I want everyone to know that you're mine! I don't want you to end up with Shinoa or Mitsuba! I don't care if some people hate gay people and thinks that we shall die, but I love you! And I want everyone to know that I do! You never show any attention to me and everything you think about is work so I thought that if I proposed to you you'll notice me more as your lover and not as someone you just sleep with, so please don't get angry at me"

Yuu-chan began to cry.

"I-I'm so sorry Mika! I didn't know that you felt that way! I know I don't show so much attention to you, but I don't have the time! I'm soo sorry! I love you Mika! I really do even though it doesn't look like that! I love you soo much I don't know what to do with my self and when I think of you my heart gets crazy! I'm so glad that you proposed to me." We both cried again.

" if okey if we d-do it tonight? W-we've never done it and I've lived with you for 2 years and.." Yuu-chan interrupted me.
"What so you mean by "do it"?"

"S-sex, isn't that what lovers do?"

"O-okey, let's do it tonight."

"By the way Mika, wasn't that your first time kissing on the mouth earlier?!"

"Yes it was"

Yuichiro blushed and looked at Mika

"I-it felt really good ya' know, you're a good kisser" Mika blushed too.

"Y-you want to do it again?" I asked as I  looked him in the eyes.

"Y-yes" we parked the car outside the restaurant and I slowly leaned to him, we closed our eyes and our lips met. We twisted from side to side and used our tongue. Yuichiro's mouth is soo hot I feel like my mouth is going to melt. Than someone knocked at the window. It was all of his friends.

"Did we disturb you guys?" Kimizuki said laughing.

"W-why are you guys here?"

"We came to celebrate your proposal with you guys, everyone is here..." Shinoa said and turned her head. We got out of the car and went in the restaurant "A table for 8" I said the man showed us to the table an we sat down, 3 minutes later we got our menu's and 10 minutes later we ordered. Guren ordered a chicken salat, Shinya ordered meat pie, me and Yuichiro ordered Salmon and the rest ordered hamburger.

Our food came and we mostly talked about us, how long we have been dating and who asked and stuff. Shinoa and Mitsuba where quiet the hole dinner. They hated me now that they found out we where dating. When the dinner was over Shinoa came to me.

"Just so you know it if you fuck Yuichiro and I overhear you guys I'll seriously kill you! And if I hear you treat him bad I will smash your head open, okey!?"

I smirked

"Ya know, if you say it like that, maybe I'll fuck him right in front of you!"

"What did ya say!?" She yelled, turned her head and walked away.

"That bitch" I whispered to myself.

Yuichiro and I sat us in the car and drove back home. When we came inside our room the first ting we did was to kiss. Hard. We used our tongue while undressing each other. I pushed Yuu on the bed and laid upon him. I started kissing his neck and than kissed him on his chest down to his pants. I pulled his pants down and looked at Yuichiro.

"Is it okey to touch?"

"Mmmmh... Do what you want, my body is yours. Im giving it to you"

I touched the tip of his dick and he started moaning. Than I started rubbing him up and down with my hands till his dick got almost twice a size. Than I pulled my fingers in his mouth so they'll get wet. Than I pulled my fingers inside him.

"Mmmh....Aaah!" Yuichiro moaned.
I thrusted him faster with my fingers till his asshole got big enough for my dick. 


"Y-Yuu-chan, c-can I put it inn?"

To be continued.....

I know this chapter was really long! 1160 words in total! I hope you liked it! The next chapter will be out soon ;)


Will Yuu be mine? (Mikayuu) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now