Chapter 4

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I woke up seeing the beautiful face of my sleeping lover. I just want to marry him right now! Where planning on having the wedding on the beach and at the sunset, and we're going to marry within a week. Yuichiro woke up an kissed me.

"Good morning sunshine" he said

"Good morning" I kissed him again and we woke up getting ready for breakfast, everyone always have lunch together on a long table in the cafeteria. When we came everyone was there.
"Today's breakfast is egg an bacon" the radio said. We went in line and after 10 minnutes everyone had foten their food. Everyone enjoyed it, but not Shinoa. Maher face where pale and she was staring at me and Yuu and Guren and Shinya with a weird look. Wonder what's gotten into her.

When everyone was done team Shinoa had to go on a mission. When they left I went to Shinya and asked for help with the wedding. I needed him to help me  with finding decoration, a priest and clothes and stuff. Of corse he helped me and we even manages to finnish it of before Yuu-chan came home. I can't wait!!

-some hours later-

"Yuu-chan! Welcome home!" I ran towards him and hugged him.

"I'm happy to be home" he said and hugged back. That was when I realise blood. I had blood on my hands. I turned him around and saw blood running out of a cut. It was a line over his back. The cut wasn't that deep but deep enough to make him bleed a lot,

"Yuu-chan what happened!! Who dd this to you!!??"

"I-I got cut..b-by..." Yuu-chan fainted. I lifted him up in bridal style and rand to the nurse. She treated his worn and putted him in bed so he could sleep. 1 hour later Yuichiro woke up  and looked at me.

"Yuu-chan! Who did this to you!"
He looked down.
"I-it was Shinoa.... She got angry since I didn't choose her cause she was in love with me. That made her so angry that she cut me than killed herself by cutting her head off." A small tear ran down his face.
"I-I didn't want her to kill herself even though I didn't like her that way! She was a good friend..."

"Please Yuu.... Its not your fault. Its mine... If I didn't confess she wouldn't kill herself...."

"No don't say that! I'm soo happy that you confessed to me! And we're going to marry in two days! So please....don't feel guilty for her death." He said and leaned towards me and kissed me in the lips.

"I love you"

"I love you to, Mika" he said and kissed me again, we got interrupted by a nurse who was going to check on Yuu.

"Oh! I-I didn't know..... I-I I'm......Sorry for interrupting!" The nurse said with a red face and left the room. 2 hours later Yuu-chan could leave the hospital, but he had to be careful. We went straight home and when we came in everyone came to us and asked if Yuu was alright. Than we went to our bedroom and we laid on the bed hugging for hours, his skin is so soft and so is his lips I just wanted to kiss him. I leaned down to kiss him but he was sleeping. I fell asleep my self.

-the next day-

"There would be dinner in 5 minutes"
The speaker said.

Shit! We slept all day!
"Y-Yuu-chan, wake up! It's dinner in 5 minutes!" I said loud.

"Mmhhh? Aaah w-what did you say...?" He said with a sleepy voice.

"It's dinner time" I leaned down an kissed him "we should get going" I helped him up and got him on his feet. We walked together to the dinner hall where everyone was.

"There you are sleepy heads!" Guren said and grinned and Yuu rubbed his eyes. We where the last ones who got there. We sat down and got our food, the food we got was pasta. We all finished the food really fast. When we finished we got dessert, the desert was ice cream with strawberries. We finished off and went to our rom again.

We got in and the first thing I did was high him hard. Se happy years started falling down my chin.

"I'm so happy! I can't believe where going to marry! Tomorrow!"

"Me to, I can't believe it!" We kissed and fell on the bed.

"Mika, we can't so it today! 1. My back hurts, 2. Can't we wait to tomorrow so it will feel even better!"

"Okey.. But can we kiss and touch each other?"

"Sure, but not our down parts. Only lips and chest. Okey?"


"We started kissing and I went under his shirt and touched his nipples, they are so soft!

"Mmmhh.... good" he said. I ripped up his shirt and kissed his chest. I licked his chest and nipples. I know that his nipples is his weak spot so he moaned just by getting is nipples touched.

"Aahh! Mika!"

"Yuu-chan, do you feel good?"

"Aah... Yes.."

"You know.. I know your nipples are your weak spot." I said and started sucking them.

"I-I know... Ahh"

"Yuu-chan! You're hard already!"

"I can't help it......but feels soo good...ah"

"I love you" I said as touching and twisted his nipples.

"Ah... I love you to...ah... Please kiss me!" I leaned down and kissed him on the lips and pushed my tongue in. Then we heard someone knocking on the door. We got quiet.

"Hello Mika? Are you inn there?" A girl voice said. I trowed a blancked over Yuu-chan's head. I opened the door and a girl stood there.

"Senpai!" The girl screamed and jumped on me and hugged me. I didn't know who she was or how she knew me.

"Senpai, I've missed you so much!" Yuu-chan peaked out from under the blanked. Than she kissed me. I stop there in shock! Same did Yuu. She pulled away and kissed me again. I pulled her away and stared at her. Why did this happen now! Right before our wedding.

"I-I'm sorry. But who are you?"

"I'm a vampire like you! I've always looked up to you, but you'd never notice me! So now that I found you I was so happy! I asked Kurl and she said  that I could marry you if I found you!"

"She said what! I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend and we're getting married tomorrow." I said and got Yuu out of the blanked. Luckily he had closed his shirt.

"This is Yuu, my boyfriend" I said and kissed him on the cheek. He got tomato red and looked down.

"What! You're gay!? And you have a handsome boyfriend! Well if I can have you! No one will!" She ran toward Yuu and pushed him agains the wall. scratched him all over his body.

"STOP IT!" She stopped. "What shall I do to make you stop!?"

"Kiss me, while you b-boyfriend is looking. Than touch me, in front of him."

"W-what? I can't."

"Them he'll die" she said

"No! I'll do it. I really want to kill you right now!" I said

"Why didn't you do it?"

"I promised Yuu to not kill anymore....."

"Haha so funny, you'll do anything for him, wouldn't you?" I nodded

"Okey, let's get done with this" I looked at Yuu, he nodded he could se that my face says sorry. Then I kissed her. She kissed me back. A tear ran down my face. She tasted like shit and blood! I know I'm a vampire too and drinks blood to but not anymore. After I met Yuu 2 years ago I've stopped drinking blood and started eating normal food. I don't tastes that bad anymore. I've got used to it. I started touching her as she wanted and she moaned. I started crying even more and I saw Yuu did too. After 5 minutes it was over.

"Thank you" she said as trowed a kiss to me. Then she left. I fell on the floor crying with my hands in my face.

"I'm so sorry Yuu-chan! Please forgive me! I don't want to break up! I want to marry you tomorrow!" Yuu came towards me and patted by back.

"Don't cry Mika, I'm going to marry you tomorrow. I'm not angry at you! You did it to save me! And I'm thankful!" He said so and kissed me. We raised up and went to sleep.

To be continued..

Will Yuu be mine? (Mikayuu) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now