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It was early in the morning when Kim Namjoon woke up. He looked at the watch. 5.30 am it said. He groaned, realising there was no point in falling back asleep, since he was a heavy sleeper, and it was one hour until the rest of Bangtan were to wake up.

He decided to to do something good with the situation, so he got up thinking he could make breakfast so that Jin could have at least a little more sleep than usual. Namjoon knew how much his hyung needed some extra sleep.

He got out of his and the maknae's room and walked to the kitchen, he was still half asleep, therefor walking reeaally slowly while yawning.

The kitchen, that's right next to the living room, was lit up by a small ray of sun that had just peeked above the horizon. Namjoon was not surprised seeing his other hyung, Yoongi, on the couch, sleeping. He had probably gotten home from the studio at 2 am, being too tired to go to his and Jin's room and fallen asleep on the first soft thing in his way. Namjoon smiled a little at the thought of his hyung stumbling, eyes half shut, hands in front of him looking for the red, cozy couch that was almost always occupied by the maknae line during the day.

Namjoon tried to be as quiet as possible, since no one lived to tell the tale about Yoongi's rage if someone were to wake him up. But Namjoon understood him, Yoongi had insomnia and there were periods he couldn't sleep at all, so when he could his dongsaengs and Jin would let him.

Namjoon had barely gotten the vegetables out of the fridge to prepare them when Jin, wearing nothing but boxers and a pink t-shirt that actually was Namjoon's, walked into the kitchen.

"Namjoon what are-"

"Shhh- " Namjoon hushed Seokjin meanwhile nodding his head towards Yoongi, telling Jin to not talk so loudly.

"Oh.." Jin whispered. "But really what are you doing?" he said, still whispering.

"What does it look like? I'm making breakfast so that you could have at least one thing less to worry about." the younger answered, also whispering.

"Well that's nice of you, but you and knives doesn't exactly make me calm." he said, looking at the big knife in his boyfriend's hand. Seokjin was now standing right behind Namjoon. He gave the slightly taller male a hug from behind, as the younger relaxed in the olders arms Seokjin took the knife from Namjoons hand, did something similar to a pirouette as he let go of the younger, pushed him away from the vegetables and whispered "Let me do this, and you'll keep all your limbs, Yoongi will not wake up and I don't have to call an ambulance. Jackpot for everyone."

Just as the older male said "everyone" they heard a groan from the couch area and a "Could you two lovebirds shut the fuck up so I can sleep?" coming from the pillows.

The two "lovebirds" looked each other in the eyes and they did not need to say anything to understand what the other was thinking. Shit. They woke up Yoongi.

"Oh Yoongi you're awake.." Jin said trying not to sound terrified. "We're making breakfast..." Jin continued, trying to talk them out of this, but stopped when he saw the face his oldest dongsaeng was giving him. Just as Jin and Namjoon thought they were going to die because of the poisonous glare Yoongi was giving them, they were saved by the sweet voice of Jimin.

"Hyung did you pass out on the couch again?" the black haired male said when he saw Yoongi on the couch.

"Jimin~" Yoongi answered, he had something that almost looked like a smile painted in his face.The older male had a soft spot for the boy that just had entered the scene. In fact, all of Bangtan had a soft spot for Jimin, but Yoongi showed it more often than the others.

The two boys in the kitchen, both still terrified that the gray haired man in the couch would kill them, gave each other a glance saying 'So, when's the wedding?'. The Namjin couple, and the other members as well, were huge Yoonmin shippers.

Not Unique ×Namjin×Yoonmin×Vkook×Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu