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Just as Jungkook had thought, in only ten minutes he had found out exactly what happened that morning without even asking.

"Don't. Burn. Yourself." Jin said to Namjoon for the third time as Namjoon walked into the kitchen area to go get some more rice that Yoongi had asked for.

"Oh c'mon hyung it was the first time it happened! It's not like I'll burn myself just because I look at a frying pan!" the tall boy said, thinking his hyung was being just a bit unfair.

"With your luck it's definitely not the last time.. And I don't know how the powers of the god of destruction works." the oldest boy said, mostly as a joke, but he had actually no idea how Namjoon was able to destroy everything he touch. Unless the things he touched destroyed him that is.

"Could you guys stop fighting over that already? We all know you love each other you don't have to act like a couple that've been married for 25 years." Yoongi said.

"Yeah, stop arguing or you'll start screaming again and Yoongi'll hit his foot, again!" Jimin giggled. Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok also started laughing but stopped quickly when their hyung gave them a death glare.

Jimin should be happy Yoongi got a crush on him, or he'd be dead meat by now, the maknae thought.

The rest of the morning was like every other morning, Yoongi falling asleep in his bowl of rice so half of his face is covered in rice when Jungkook woke him up by whispering "Lamb skewers" very close to his hyungs ear. Namjoon and Jin trying to have some alone time but the maknae line, that knew all too well what their hyungs wanted, kept interrupting them. Taehyung wanting a good morning kiss from the youngest, but since Jungkook didn't want to this always resulted in a cat and dog game and always ended when Jin got so annoyed that he yelled "YOU WON'T GET ANY FOOD IF YOU CONTINUE WITH THIS CHILDISHNESS!".

As they all had calmed down and Jungkook and Taehyung had catched their breath they just had to put on some clothes and head for dance practice.

"Jimin eat up, you need it." Hoseok said as he walked pass the oldest in the maknae line when he was on his way to their shared room to put on clothes. "The new choreography is really hard, I think I'll have problem with it..." he said.

"Don't worry hyung, I will eat up." Jimin said and put on one of his adorable smiles that made his brown eyes basically disappear.

A few minutes later Tae came back into the kitchen, he was wearing an oversize gray t-shirt, red snap back and black sweatpants. He had apparently heard Jimin's and Hobbie's conversation because when he saw Jimin still in the kitchen he said.

"Haven't eaten up yet huh?" he walked over to his best friend. "You're not dieting again are you?" Taehyung asked with a concerned look on his face. "You know you really don't need to diet, your body is great, I wish you could see that." the younger said. Taehyung knew it would take a while until the others got back, so he took the opportunity to tell his best friend what he genuinely thought.

"No Tae, I'm not on a diet I'm just not very hungry okay?" this was a lie, but Jimin didn't want to worry his friend. "Really I'm fine." he said as a answer to the concerned look that still hadn't left Taehyung's face.

"Umm..okay then, but I'll keep an eye on you just in case and if I see anything suspicious I'll tell Jin." Jimin had had problems with dieting going too far before, luckily, Taehyung, Yoongi and Jin had noticed it before it had gotten really bad.

"Mmm.." Jimin answered. He knew Taehyung was only showing that he cared, and Jimin appreciated that, but he still thought his friend was taking it too seriously.

At that moment Yoongi walked into the kitchen. He had a very basic outfit, consisting of black ripped jeans and an oversize black sweatshirt.

"Uhm...what's going on?" he said, as he saw the brunette concerned look and the raveonettes almost guilty looking one. Yoongi wasn't the jealous type, but seeing Jimin with Taehyung always made him...nervous? If Yoongi was completely honest he didn't really know what he thought of Taehyung and Jimin, he knew they had a very special bond with each other and Yoongi didn't know if it were only friendship or something.....deeper.

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