Author's Note #2

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Hello all my beautiful, and lovely readers!

This is just a quick announcement from me to all of you that are wondering about all of my book releases over the next few months.

Firstly, I do not want to make you guys feel bad for wanting two updates a week, but truthfully, it stresses me out so much. I thought I could handle the pressure, and I've been trying to buckle down and seriously focus, but it is hard guys [thats what she said. I know I'm immature].

Don't worry though, OMP will continue to be updated twice a week, but for the books in the future, that won't happen. Unless I have the overwhelming desire to update randomly. I've realized that my content has been lacking because I want to eagerly to please you guys, and make you all happy about OMP updates.

I want my content and my writing to grow more and develop, not seem rushed and full of errors. So, I'll be releasing books without stressing myself, and putting an emotional toll on you guys.

This is what I will do:

Devotion will be turned into a short story. I've noticed that my writing is not as good when the character of interest is not Harry. I've discovered that he is my muse. So, everything flows like butter.

OMP, like I said before, will continue to be updated twice a week (if I can). I kind of hate the way it's going, tbh. It seems really rushed after a certain point. (What do you guys think?)

Vulnerable will continue to be on hiatus. I want this book to be my crowned jewel. I am taking this the most serious because I've worked super hard in preparation for it.

Vegas will be updated only for bonus chapters that are requested solely by you guys. You can shoot me a PM about an idea or comment. I'm preparing another bonus chapter for next week (possibly?).

That is all for now. If you have ANY questions or concerns about what was said, please don't hesitate to say it. I will answer and address everything. I still want to be a dedicated author, and someone you guys can talk to. Not like the large and bold authors that ignore people (bleh, I hate that).

I seriously have so many ideas for new books, and I sometimes forget what it is like to update and write all the time. Thinking about maybe doing short stories, or short little books? Let me know what you guys think about everything.

I also want to do books with more African Americans, but let me know what YOU GUYS THINK. PLEASE DON'T JUST READ OVER THIS. THAT'S REALLY MEAN. :(


I really love reading your comments and opinions. I consider you guys my friends, and I want to make each book special for all to read.

Thank you for all your support and love.

Happy reading,
Dani xo


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