First Time (Kian Lawley Requested Smut)

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Authors Note: sooooo this one is also requested by my friend Taytum her wattpad: O2LSTACOS anyways let's get started 😂😘✌️


          Taytum's P.O.V.

     I really do love Kian, I'm just scared. We've been dating for 3 and a half years but I feel like he's getting bored of me. The farthest we've gone to sex is heavily making out without shirts on or maybe pants. He's not a virgin, but I am and I'm just scared. What if he leaves me for some girl that will fuck him all the time. I think I'm ready to lose it to him now, let's hope it's not too late....

    Kian's P.O.V. (Bet you didn't see that coming hmm?? 😂😘✌️)

     Taytum makes me so happy but I'm so sexually frustrated I can't see straight. I know she wants to wait and right now she's working so I guess pleasuring myself is all I can do for now....

       Taytum's P.O.V.

      I wanted to surprise Kian, so I took the day off and got some lingerie from Victoria secret that looked like this:

      I wanted to surprise Kian, so I took the day off and got some lingerie from Victoria secret that looked like this:

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        I drove up our houses driveway and went to unlock the door. I threw my jacket on the couch and put everything else besides my Victoria Secret bag on the table and I decided to change right there incase Kian was in or near the bathroom. After i finished dressing I started walking up the status for slowly and quietly. But my heart dropped when I started hearing moans and groans.
"He found someone who would..." I thought.
I was about to just start bursting out crying, until I heard Kian groan:
"Taytum, ugh, oh god please, faster, harder!"
My ears perked up to my name being groaned. A little peak won't hurt. I thought. I opened the door open just a little bit, and what I saw made me freak out. Kian was on the edge of the better with the laptop next to him as his hand furiously went up and down on his dick. He must be watching porn, that would explain the moans. I decided this is the best time, I took a deep breath and walked in.... To be continued


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