~The Regained Night.~

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~Greetings, this is my new Stancest fanfiction and I'm very excited to start writing this. If you don't like Gay or Incest, turn back now! You have been warned.. and without further or do, let's get this story started!! BYEEEEEEE!!! Shade456~~~~~~~~~

~Stanford's POV.~

Stanley and I finally arrived home yesterday , from our treasure-hunting adventures, that's what Stanley likes to calls them, hehe. Him and I decided that we are finally going to shut the Mystery Shack down the day we arrived back. However, when we confronted Soos about the topic he refused and got angry with us but, he soon realized he had to let the old shack go, after a lot of arguing and explaining, of course. Stanley and I felt bad for this but, soon shrugged the topic off by, talking about our adventures.

However, nightfall reached our day and we had to get some rest. Stanley and I said our goodnights and exchanged hugs. I decided to take myself to the couch to get my well deserved sleep. I didn't want to go to my bed downstairs because, well... I felt lonely and cold down there.

I began to get frustrated because, I found that I just couldn't get myself to sleep. I finally sat up, giving up on sleep and began to think... As my mind began to fiddle around with thoughts, I began to pace around the room.. Unaware with my surroundings, I found myself tripping over Stanley's old chair. I stared at it for a while as I felt warm tears crawling down the sides of my cheeks , thinking of what happened during Weirdmageddon... Stan sacrificed his life to save the world... He was everyone's hero, especially mine.. After, Weirdmageddon I found myself having feelings towards my brother... I found this odd and uncontrollable..  However, I am smart enough not to tell him.. otherwize I know he would hate me after.. which is something I do not want.

Suddenly, I began to sob uncontrollable, thinking deeper and deeper on the topic that was stuck in my mind. I hated the thought of.. How Stan thanked me for restoring his memory and me... I never thanked him for saving me from the portal.. I still regret my actions.. How I overreacted when he broke my science experiment.. Stanley has done nothing but, care for our relationship and try to fix it for years when, all I did was worry about myself and my stupid research!

Although, we have gotten over that now, and put it behind us, I still feel as if we could have kept our strong relationship if it wasn't for me being such a lousy brother and pushing him away.

I continued to sob as I ran my hands through my thick grey hair, I eventually walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I saw a man that looked hurt and alone looking back at me. My chestnut eyes dilated as I felt myself not able to breathe well. I was going to have an anxiety attack if I don't calm down fast. I breathed slowly and heavily as I gripped the sink, closing my eyes tightly. I tried to think of a happy place but, continued to sob and whimper.

~Stanley's POV.~

I woke up from having to use the bathroom. I walked downstairs as I groaned from still being tired. As I reached the last step, I heard muffled sobs and heavy breathing. The first thing that came o my mind was, Stanford's having a freaking panic attack!

I ran to the bathroom and opened the door to Stanford gripping the sink as he sobbed and whimpered. I put a hand on his shoulder as he looked at me.

"Shhh.. Stanford, it's going to be okay. Just calm down and breathe. I'm here for you." I said as he seemed to calm down a tad bit.

I kept looking him in the eyes with a calming expression. I smiled sweetly as he kept looking me directly in the pupils. Suddenly, he began less tense and began to breathe properly again.

"Thank you, Stan." Stanford thanked as I pulled him into a comforting hug.

"Anytime, Ford." I said as let go of him, both of us, lightly blushing.

"Would you like to sleep with me tonight?" I asked as he smiled.

"Yes, please." He said as we began to walk towards my room after, I used the bathroom.

 Stanford crawled in on the right side as I crawled in beside him. Stanford and I turned opposite direction and said exchanged good nights as we both fell asleep.

~Greetings, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!! Thank you for reading and have an amazing day!!! BYEEEEEEE!!!!! Shade456~~~~~~~~~~ 

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