-The Never Forgetting Moment...

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~Greetings! I hope you enjoy!!! Let's get this chapter started... again... Yes, I wrote this once but, it somehow got deleted... Anyways, hope you enjoy!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Shade~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~Stanley's POV.~

I quickly ran past Stanford and into the Shack. I grabbed the gun from the floor and ran back outside, shaking. I looked at Stanford as saw that he was breathing slowly and had his face in the dirt. He looked pitiful and weak... 

"Stanford!!" I yelled as he lifted his head slowly.

"I-I love you Stanley... I-I trust you with all my heart.... Always remember that..." He said sadly as he smiled weakly.

"I-I love you too, Stanford... I promise I will take good care of you..."  I said as he smiled gently... I gripped the gun and slowly aimed it at Stanford as he looked at me weakly.

"I-I will miss you..." I said as I started to sob...

"Y-you will see me again..." He said as he smiled.. I smiled and pulled the trigger...________________________________________________




I dropped the gun and fell on my knees, sobbing uncontrollably. I cried into my hands as they became soaked with my tears within seconds.... The thought of basically seeing my brother dying before my eyes, broke and shattered my heart into tiny pieces... I missed him already...

I looked up from my hands and saw the steady pace of his chest rising and falling as he breathed... His face a still pale and damp with tears and sweat.. I finally got the mental strength to walk over to his unconscious body and pick him up.

"Gentle, gentle.... "I mentally said to myself.

Stanford was in my embrace as I carried him to the Shack. I opened the door and closed it behind me as I continued to carry him upstairs to my room. I finally reached my room and sat him on my bed as I tucked him in.

 I walked back down the stairs and into the kitchen where I would prepare some snacks juct in case if he wakes up soon... I grabbed an apple and a banana and cut them into bite size pieces. I walked over to the cupboard grabbed a glass cup. Then, I walked over to the refrigerator to grab some fresh ice cold water. I poured the cool liquid into the glass and placed the snacks on a tray to take to Stanford.

I walked back upstairs and into my bedroom.. I placed the tray on the nightstand by the bed and grabbed a nearby chair close to the edge of the bed. I looked at Stanford's hand and grabbed it, softly. I rubbed every one of his six knuckles, gently.

"I-I love you, Stanford... I want you to know... I will always be here for you.. You are the most important thing in my life... Without you... I'm no longer whole... no longer alive without you... You are my other half... You are my world... You are my life...." I said as I began to feel hot, moist tears fall down my face.

I looked at Stanford's sleepy figure and smiled...

"You are me..." I finally said as I leaned my head down to kiss his hand. "Thank you for being my hero..." I thanked as I let go of his hand and leaned back into my seat..

"I feel whole when you're near... You are my Universe, Stanford Filbrick Pines....." I said softly as I slowly began to fall deeply asleep... In the presence of my dear twin brother....

~Greetings!! Hope you enjoyed!! thank you for reading!! I'm happier with how this one turned out then the last time I attempted to write this part.. thanks computer... -_- But, thanks for reading and have an amazing day!!!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! Shade~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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