The Remains...

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~Greetings!! I hope you guys are enjoying my content so far! Anyways, let's get this chapter started!! BYEEEEEEE!!!! Shade456~~~~

~Stanford's POV.~

I found myself waking up later than usual, probably in result of me not being able to go to sleep last night very well... I also, noticed that I was in the bed alone. Stanley must have already woken up and went downstairs to fix breakfast.. I find that adorable...

I jumped in the shower and brushed my teeth as I calmly hummed to myself.

I got dressed in my usual outfit, Red Sweater, Black tights, and brown boots. I grabbed my glasses off the nightstand and I grabbed Stanley Beanie of the side of the bed and placed it on my head, we share, we're twins after all!

I walked down the stairs to the living room and kitchen as I heard the popping sound of eggs in the process of being cooked. I blushed slightly as I saw Stanley swaying back and forth as he hummed to himself. Stanley soon noticed me standing under the door frame and beckoned me come closer. I did as I was instructed and started to get even more nervous by each step I took towards my brother.

"Y-yes, Lee?" I asked as Stanley looks at me with a smile.

"Are you okay, Ford?" Stanley asked me as I rubbed the back of my neck, nervously.

"Y-yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"I don't know, just the way you have been acting lately.. I can't put my finger on it.. And, I can usually read my bro-bro like a book! Even though I don't like reading.." Stanley said curiously.

"I have just been... thinking lately.." I said as I tried to cut the conversation short.

"Haha, you always think, Stanford!" Stanley said as I sighed.

"Sorry, Stanford. I just like to play with you sometimes." Stan said as I tensed up at the statement.

I had a dirty mind sometimes but, I try not to show it. I had to be the more civilized twin. Stan soon put the topic aside to place an equal amount of eggs on each plate. Stan handed me a plate as we both walked over to the table. Soon, we both began to eat silently and contently as we both let out agreeing hums.

I glanced at Stanley here and there as I blushed to myself. I placed my left hand on my face as I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to shake all the thoughts away.

"You okay, sixer?" Stanley asked as I looked at him, quickly.

"Yeah! Yeah." I said as I quickly threw my gazed back down at my plate.

"I'm worried about you.." Stanley said as I felt his eyes staring a hole into my soul.

He was analyzing me, trying to pressure me so I would tell him what's going on. He knows exactly how to get under my skin. I looked at him as I finished my last bite of eggs. I grabbed my plate and walked back into the kitchen to wash the dishes. 

"Are you finished eating, Stan?" I asked as he nodded.

"May I have  your plate?" I asked he nodded, again.

I walked back over to him and my gaze caught the 'tattoo' on Stan's shoulder. I quickly regained my composer as Stan handed me his plate. I walked slowly back over to the sink and began to wash the dishes. A single tear escaped my eye as I sighed sadly and ran my hand through my hair. I felt eyes on me once more as I turned Stanley direction.

"May I help you?" I asked.

"Um, no." Stan said as he got up and went to his room.

I finished the dishes as I walked into the living room and watched TV. I sighed as I placed my head in my hands and began to sob, once again.

"W-Why.." I managed to say through sobs.

I knew what I was feeling for my brother was wrong.. I'm already a freak and this just makes me an even bigger one. All of my being wants to tell him how I feel.. but, he's the only thing I have left and I don't want to ruin the relationship we just gained back over just some stupid crush..

"Stanford.. Please, tell me what is troubling you..." I heard Stanley's voice from behind me.

I turned to look at him as he looked shocked. 

"You've been crying...why?" Stanley asked as I stayed silent.

Stanley sat beside me as he grabbed my hand, making me look at him. He looked at me seriously as my face went from calm to bursting into tears. Stanley pulled me into a hug as I buried my face into his chest, sobbing uncontrollably.

"I-I'm sorry! I-I'm sorry!" I repeated as I continued to break down in tears.

"For what, Stanford?" Stanley asked me as I looked up at him.

"F-For being such a lousy brother and pushing you away all our lives!! Everything in my fault... we could have kept our strong relationship, if it wasn't for me!! I should of died in that damn dimension!" I sobbed as I raised my voice.

Stanley suddenly grabbed my roughly by the shoulders and started to sob along with me.

"Don't ever say that! I don't know what I would do without you here today! You're my other half and I would be shattered without you! You hear me, Ford! I love you more that anything on the face of the Earth!" Stanley said as I fully broke down.

"I love you, I love you so much!" Stanley said as he lifted me in the air.

"I love you too.." I said as I hung onto him.

"I missed you..." Stanley said as he hugged me close.

"I missed you too.. Thank you for everything, Stan." I said as I felt him smile.

"Thank you too, Ford." Stanley said as I smiled...

~Greeting everyone!!! I hope you enjoyed and have an amazing day!!! BYEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Shade456~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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