Revealed... Shattered..

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~Greetings!! I hope you enjoy!! Let's get this feels chapter started!!! TOOT TOOT!!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Shade~~~~~~

~Stanford's POV.~

I told him why I kept having panic attacks and that I have had miserable nightmares every single night, since the end of Weirdmageddon. Then, came the time to tell him the thing that would break his heart...

"Stanley... " I said calmly as i looked him deep in the eyes.

"Yes, Stanford?" He asked anxiously.

"Y-You have to erase my mind..." I stated as Stanley looked at me in disbelief. I nodded sadly.

"B-But... why?" Stan asked as he started to cry.

"B-Bill... he's inside your mind... he can't harm you.. but, hr can harm me..unless, I get my mind erased.." I said as I looked down.

"But, what about the metal plate that's in your head?" Stan asked.

"Y-you have to remove it... And, then I have to insert it into your head... Like I said, if Bill is in someone's mind, locked there, then he has no access to that person's mind, therefore, he can't harm them, mentally or physically... And, if I insert the plate into your mind.. He won't be able to harm you as well. Because, years ago, I gave Bill permission to enter my mind as he pleases... But, you have never gave him permission, same goes for anyone else..." I explained as Stan stayed silent.

"If I don't get my mind erased.. then Bill will soon crack me and make me insane... Therefore, so he would be able to destroy the world..." I explained as Stan started to sob on my shoulders.

"Stan.." I said as I made him look at me. "When you erase my mind, you will have to reteach me everything... Like a newborn .. How to walk, talk.. Teach me wisely.. Okay?" I said as Stan nodded sadly.

"I'm so very sorry I have to get you to do this...But, remember... If I don't do this... then, I'm endangering the whole planet... I'm Bill's last resource to destroy Earth... Please stay strong.." I said as I stood up....

~Stanley's POV.~

  We walked downstairs, holding hands. When we reach the bottom of the Shack, We walked over to a chair and told Ford to sit down. I kissed Ford's cheek as I walked over to a cabinet to grab some anaesthesia. I walked back over to Ford and kneed down.

"I love you, Ford... I will see you in a bit..." I said sadly as he smiled.

"Okay, I love you too and be careful." He said he he smiled and nodded, telling me to begin.

I smiled sweetly at Ford as I inserted the tube of anaesthesia in Ford's arm, making him fall in a temporary deep sleep so, I could begin to remove the  metal plate in this head.

~Time Skip!! After the surgery~

I finally finished as Stanford awoke. He looked at me and smiled.

" I knew you could do it." Ford said as he grabbed the metal plate and observed it carefully. "Man, I remember when I got Fiddleford to place this stupid thing in my head.. heh, brings back memories..." Ford said sadly as he stood up and I sat in his place....

~Stanford's POV.~

I stood up and Stan sat in my place, ready to get this over with... but, dreading on erasing my memory... I know how he feels.... I remember when Mabel broke the mind eraser at her and Dipper's Birthday party/ Leaving party... I remember looking at the broken machine and thinking to myself, that was Fiddleford's... I have one of my own, just in case...

I kneed down to Stan and kissed his cheek and soon, did the same treatment on Stan as he did on me, except I was inserting the plate and not removing it.

~Another Time Skip~ After the surgery~

I finally finished inserting the plate in Stan's head as he woke up soon after. He was in disbelief as he kept knocking on his forehead, astonished.

I laughed as he hugged me....

Now, comes the part we both dreaded for...

~Greetings everyone!!! I hope you enjoyed! I'm sorry it was short.. but, I will  start writing the next chapter maybe later today, maybe. if I feel like it. XD I love you guys and, remember. Stay Positive!! thank you for reading and have an amazing day!!!! BYEEEEEEEee!!! Shade~~~~

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