Chapter 3

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When I opened the door, this Jordan kid was definitely not what I expected. Yes, he was, surprisingly, pretty, but he looked kinda homeless. He had on a long white shirt that went to his knees and had holes in it towards the bottom along with wore out maroon jeans with holes at the knees.

I just shrugged. I was never one to be quick to judge, but he smelt like rotten eggs and mustard. It was bad.

After we ate the takeout I ordered, after I realized I had no food in the house, I guided him upstairs to show him the room he would be occupying for his time being here. I opened the door and let him walk in first.

He looked around in the room and stared in awe. I don't know why because it was just a room with a bed, a walk in clothes, 3 dressers, a tv and a bathroom. It was nothing, honestly.

"Woah." I heard him whisper. I just continued to look at him. Is this guy even rich, because he sure isn't acting like it.

I cleared my throat and he stopping what he was doing before looking back at me giving me a smile. It was actually pretty cute if I'm being honest.

"Sorry, I've been living with my poor friend, trying to help him out with money problems, for a while so it's been a long time since I've lived in a room this big." He said shyly hiding his face behind his hair.

"It's totally fine. Been there, done that!" I told him honestly.

He smiled, "if you don't mind, I'm gonna take a shower and head to bed now."

"Oh yeah, of course. My room is 3 doors down if you need anything." I told him with a polite smile before letting myself out.

How come he didn't have a suitcase or anything with him?

Jordan (kellic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt