chapter one

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Rachel's prov:

My friends and I are sitting in a public bus riding though San Francisco on a field trip we're all looking out the windows talking about random things when we start to see the ranbows I smile "I love this part of the city" I say to Zeke ,who is my twin brother, he smiles and nods.

"Why would you like this part of the city?" Wendy ask she has long blonde hair a small nose and blue eyes she is vary religious so it's no surprise that she hates this part of the city.

"Well why wouldn't we?" Zeke asks annoyed his brown eyes glint with anger his long fingers running though his light brown hair a sign that he's either nervous or pissed. I think I'll go with pissed.

"Because you have to be crazy to like the same gender in anyway more than a friend"

"And why is that?" Now it's my turn to be pissed

"Because marriage is a sacred thing between a MAN and a WOMAN not a woman and a woman or a man and a man."

"Last I checked marriage is between to individuals that love each other no matter what it doesn't dapend on their sex just the love in which they share." Zeke and i say at the same exact time I'm a little surprised that Zeke said that so comely I'm even more surprised that I said it without yelling at the top of my lounges.

She laughs at us not a little giggle or something like that but a full belly laugh. I look around at all my friends they all share the same expressions they are all mad and since all my friends are boys let's just say that can be a little scary but, you see I'm more scary than most of them when I get as mad as I am right now Zeke casually pulls me closer to him and grips my hand. Most people would just figure he's just showing me love but all my friends know he's silently holding my back from attacking Wendy.

I turn away from her smug face and stair out the window and relax into Zeke who is still holding on to my arm.

I does of to sleep knowing I'm safe with my brother here with me.


HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII so is you read this story before you know I deleted it with no explanation and for that I'm sorry.

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