chapter 3

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2 things 1 there will be cussing in this chapter and 2 This will be from Zekes prov
"Rachel before you kill me let me explain your dad hired me to drive you and your brother to where ever you want to go" he has his hands up as if surrendering.

"Fine let's just get to school and if you try anything and I do mean ANYTHING I will stab you with a butter knife" She says coldly and if looks could kill the hole world might be blown up.

So me being the loving brother I am decide to lighten the mood.

"Did you get that from Divergent?" I joke trying to lighten the mood.

"Zeke I'll cut off your b--"

Maybe I should never lighten the mood again.

"Yeah let's get going you know I really don't want to be late for class or anything" with that I sprint to the car.

******time skip to after school*******

I'm hanging out with the gang wich includes Rachel, Grahm, Will, Drew, Nico, and me. Their is one more girl names Jess but she not here yet.

"You will not believe who my dad got to drive us" I say almost laughing .

"Who?" Graham questions a little probably concerned due to Rachel's expression.

"Peter he fucking hired Peter out of all the people he could have hired he got Peter now I have to spend an entire week with that jack*ss!!!!!" Rachel yelled

"Why do you hate peter so much?" I think that was Will who is probably pretty scared since Peter is his older brother and all.

She mumbles something I sigh "Well you see your idiot older brother dumped my scarry little sister" I say like I don't want to bash his head in.

"Wait isn't he like a 3 years older then her?" Graham asks all she does is sigh get up and walk away towards the direction of the gym that's a block and a half away for her boxing thing "Did I say something wrong?"

"You truly are an idiot." Nico mumbles

"You're just realizing that?" Apparently girl says in a scolding tone

Apparently Jess had finally been let out of class.

"When did you get here?" everyone asks.

"Dudes I'm part of the gang I've been here the hole time" She raising an eyebrow "Did you really not notice me till now?"

"Ummm...yes?" I say more of a question than anything.

"Unbelievable" She mumbles while rolling her eyes

"Dude I think my brothers here to take you home."

I tern around and see him pull up I sigh "Bye dudes and dude-et"

"Don't call me that or I'll have your sister kick your ass" Jess yells

"Ok Jessica" with that I run as fast as humanly possible to the car.

"Not to be nosy but why did you run that fast? cause I'm guessing it wasn't that you wanted to see me and why is Jess running at us?" Peter asks at the last part he sounds slightly scared.

"If you want to live GO!!" I yell at the end.

"Yeah ok" with that we peel out of the parkinglot "so now will you answer my questions oh and one more where's your sister?"

"Well I called Jess Jessica so that's why I ran and why she ran after me and my sister is none of your concern."

He sighs but doesn't reply we drive in silence the hole way home "you do realize that I have to pick her up where ever she is so it would be a lot easier to just tell me where she is."

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