chapter 2

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After a long week on the field trip we finally get to go home "I'm so excited to see mom and dad"

"Me to do you think they'll make our favorite dinner?" Zeke asks hopefully.

"What's your favorite dinner?" One of the mom's in our class asked.

"Home made PIZA!!!" Zeke and I yell at the same time

"Hay she asked me! no me! shut up and let me talk! are you talking to me! well of course I'm talking to you! you know what I'm gonna sl--" Zeke and I had that hole conversation with saying everything at the same time but are rudely interrupted by Amy aka the b*tches mom aka Wendy's mom.

"You to do not make me switch you into two different cars!"

"YES MA'AM!" we yell at the same time she just sighs and shacks her head.
************time skip ***************
"Mom dad we're home" Zeke calls out.

I look in the kitchen it has baby blue walls and big windows I don't see them so I move on to the library (my mom's favorite place) it's a room full of over 300 books it has paintings that my mom painted and shelves, tables, and chairs my dad made. It's my hole family's favorite place in the hole house which is saying something considering we live in a amazing house (pictures above) if I do say myself. After looking every where in the library I decide to just call dad.

Ring ring ring

"Hay kiddo what's up?"

"Well daddyo I'm just wondering where you and mom are."

"Oh i fergot to tell you we had a last minute business trip and won't be back until Friday."


"I know honey I'm sorry but it's a really important trip."

"How are we gonna get to school and you know all our practices?"

"I hired a driver for you guys." He sounds really guilty "I love you"

I sigh when i was little my granpa died after getting in a argument with him over the phone. Since than we have a rule which is to never hang up the phone without saying I love you. Because no matter how mad we are at each other we always love each other.

"I love you too bye" I don't give him a chance to respond I hang up the phone to fast I scream in frustration "I can't believe them!" I yell

"Sis what's rong I herd yelling and screaming" he asks probably concerned for my sanity.

"Mom and dad have a bisness trip and won't be back for a week" I say coldly "they hired us a driver"

"Well than now that we know let's make" he pauses for dramatic effect "PIZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I can't help but laugh at how much of an idiot my twin is.

"Okay let's go oh and you're doing the dishes after dinner" I say and run to the kitchen.

**********another time skip*********

"Zeke get up the driver will be here any minute!" I've been trying to get him up for an hour and a half.

"Five more minutes!"

"You don't have five more minutes!!!" I yell getting more and more pissed by the second.

One minute later he runs down fully dressed in a blue t-shirt plain jeans and black convers.

Someone knocks on the door I go and answer its a toll guy in a black t-shirt and a pair of jeans he has blond hair and blueish greenish eyes he has a big nose but it doesn't look bad on him "Hi please don--" Zeke interrupts him by shoving past me in a protective way I look at the boy again and realize who it is.

It's Peter my ex boyfriend...
sorry for such a short chapter

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