chapter 4

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There will be cussing and it's from Zekes prov

"It's been 4 days she hasn't talked to me in 4 days 4 FUCKING DAYS" I yell.

"Calm the hell down!" Sage yells she looks beautiful but shes not even trying she doesn't where a speck of makeup her blonde hair is partially falling out of its sloppy braid she probably put in last night her blue eyes beg not to be noticed but it's inposable not to.

"Okay" I sigh.

"Okay" She repeats with a smile on her face.

"MABY OKAY CAN BE OUR ALWAYS!!!!!" We yell at the same time then bust out laughing.

"Zeke are you seriously quoting The Fault in Our Stars????" Will asks.

"No I'm quoting Divergent" I say sarcasm making its self pretty known "of course I'm quoting The Fault in Our Stars"

"Why did you read that book?"

I sigh "cause I felt like it why else would I read it."

He just srugs his shoulders I was about to say something to change the subject but then someone taps my shoulder "Zeke we need to talk" I turn around to see the principal Mrs Mathews.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Please come to my office" With that she walks in to her office I fallow her "you two will be picked up in five minutes there was an accident and both of your parents have um...passed on to what comes next "

I just stand there to stunned to even respond "is this some kind of sick joke my mom and dad can't be dead there on a business trip they...they... they'll be back in 2 days" Rachel said barley above a wisper but she's not crying I know she won't cry until no one can see her

"Who will be picking us up?" I say I know I sould be crying and screaming but I can't I can't do it because I have to stay strong for my sister because even if she tries to fight it if I cry she will break down.

"Your legal guardian is Peter"


"Your parents had left him as your legal guardian for that week incase one of you got hurt."

Like he was was waiting for a cue he comes bursting through the door Rachel does something that shocks us all she gets up and hugs him he hugs her back and she does something that shocks us even more she starts to cry. I walk over to her she pulls away from Peter wipes her cheeks and walks out the door and see Will, Drew, Jess, Nico, Sage and Graham are sitting in the office I give then a confused look.

"Peter told us what happened" Nico wispers.

"All our parents gave us permission to spend a month with you guys." Jess tells us well mostly Rachel but she knows I can hear her "we have to go to school but one of us will stay to keep you guys company until you can go."

"I just want to get home so where the hell is Peter?" Rachel whispered

"I'm right here and I it's up to you guys whether you want to stay in the house and me moving in there or you moving into my apartment."

"We want you to move in to our house." We wisper in unison.

With that we walk to the car.

******2 days later at the funeral******

Rachel's prov:

I walk up looking down at the coffins that contain my parents and let a single tear drip down my face I breathe in hold it and breathe out.

"My dad was a joker who loved to build things my mom was an artist. I'm going to tell you a story: once there was a boy he worked at a repair shop and was really handy with tools. There was also a girl she was great with a paint brush or a pencil but not so much with a tool. The girl had a leek in her roof and couldn't fix it but also couldn't find someone to fix it nor did she have the money one day when she was talking to someone on the phone outside of her studio --which was next to a repair shop-- she mentioned not being able to find someone, the boy heard her and wanted to help the girl. He walked up to he after the call and said "Excuse me ma'am but I'd be glad to fix your roof for the small price of a date" the agreed after a day or so. They ended up hitting it off and got married, had two kids, and in the end died together." when I'm done every one is crying including me "thank next up is my twin brother Zeke" with that I walk back to my seat.

Zekes prov:

"If my parents where her my dad would have told us all to stop crying and forget about a guy like him but to never forget about a girl like his wife I remember this one time mom had told him that he deserved better and he said with 100% seriousness --wich we all know is...was hard for him-- looked her straight in the eyes and said there is no way in hell that any girl no any thing could ever be better then you. He alway thought she was a angel he was always said the only girl that could come close to my mom's beauty was my sister we where his world and he was a big part of mine. I know my mom and dad are watching over us tonight and every other night until the day we die." I walk off the stage and sitting next to my sister she grabs my hand and squeezes it "I love you and you are now my world" I tell her as I wipe a tear away with my free hand and we sit in silence even after everyone goes home we just sit ther holding hands.

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