The First Time

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"You're here?!" a tap on the shoulder made her turn away from the sight.

"Oh yea...I just got here," Namjoo merely stated.

"Come on, I'll show you around. I just met these really cool people..." Yunae's voice drifted off as she pulled Namjoo away. Nodding, Namjoo allowed herself to be wheeled forth. Unable to help herself she turned around to glance in Sehun's direction once more. Since when had he stepped away from her to talk to someone else?


First, Namjoo had taken so long to get ready then she had walked as slow as a turtle the moment they arrived at Soojin's. Impatient with her Sehun had decided to venture by himself. Boy was he wrong about not having a good time because he suddenly was.

Hwang Seona was among some of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen. She was everything he would ever want in a woman. The only downturn was that she was four years older than he was. It was suddenly hell to be stuck in the body of a 16 year-old. Sehun didn't want to appear like a kid in her eyes. He wanted to appear mature, impressionable.

He was grateful she had offered him a drink by mistake, but damn he shouldn't have hesitated when he saw the beer in her hand. Doing just that had given away his age and he had been profoundly ashamed by telling her he was only 16. Sehun had expected her to treat him like a fetus, but instead she had been kindly welcoming as if his age didn't matter at all.

God, she was perfect! He could already feel himself falling head over heels for her.

"So how do you know Soojin?" Seona wondered. He loved how her eyes sat on him like he was the only one that mattered. He sure did hope that his cheeks weren't flushing mad red.

"We go to school together," Sehun answered, "but I don't really know her."

"Oh yea? Me either. I'm only here because of a friend," Seona admitted. "I sure do miss being in high school. College changes everything."

"How so?" he was curious. "Which one do you go to?"

"I go to Seoul National University," she told then asked, "have you decided which college you'd want to go to? If not, come join me. I'm currently in the arts department, it's a lot of fun."

Other than the fact that she could carry their conversation on with no effort he admired how outgoing she was. With just a few words and she was the most admirable person alive.

"I haven't thought about it," he confessed, "but I'd sure like to. You know, I mean have a look at the college because I don't know what I want to do with my life yet."

"Take your time," she assured and he felt like all the weight on his shoulders was relieved. "I was like that too, but eventually you'll know what you want to do."

Grinning widely he nodded before he felt shoved forward by an arm around his shoulder. "Here you are! Come on, we're going to play a game!" Then just like that he was dragged away by Chanmi, another schoolmate of his. Sehun barely groaned from underneath his breath before he was led to an area by the poolside. He then recognized a bunch of his classmates gathered around.

"All right, everybody here?" a man he didn't recognize loudly yelled. He was tall and lean, handsome at most. From the back of his mind he wondered if Seona liked men like him. His eyes darted around, wondering if she had followed.

Sehun's attention was caught when the man held out an empty beer bottle for everyone to see. "I'm going to teach you how to play a game. You all know how to play spin the bottle?"

"Yes!" the others screamed out in unison.

"Well, this'll be just like it only the rules are a bit different. I'm going to call this game King, but I'm going to improvise the rules," he explained. "The first person the bottle points to will be the King. He or she will choose two persons by spinning the bottle to punish. The King can either order them to do pushups, dance, or kiss; anything goes."

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