Like Raindrops, Love Trickles

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"You're home?" Namjoo greeted when he walked in through the kitchen doorway with a grocery bag. An apron was tied around her torso, her hair snapped back with a hairclip, and food was boiling on the stove.

Putting down the spoon in hand she walked over to take the grocery bag from him. "What'd you get? Sorry about getting upset earlier. Something must've gotten into me." Walking away she set the box of cake on the counter alongside the grocery bag. Pulling the cake out she mused happily, "How pretty! It must have been expensive." Turning around to look at him she urged, "Come sit. Lunch is almost ready. You're hungry, aren't you?"


He scanned Namjoo who looked no different than from the day she wore her wedding dress. Only this time, there was something growing in her belly. And she hadn't told him.


Heading toward her he pulled the wooden spoon out of her hand. "Go sit. I'll do the rest."

"What?" she asked. "No, you go sit. It's your birthday after all. I said we'd do something, didn't I? At least let me prepare this for you."

She took the wooden spoon from him and pushed him aside. When they finally sat down for lunch he glanced across the table to see her deliciously eating away. He thought again about how she should have told him the moment she found out she was carrying. Perhaps, it was his fault. He should have caught on or expected it.

"Have this," he offered her some more food. "Eat a lot."

Namjoo gave him a strange look before smiling. It relieved him to see her eating well, but it also made him feel somewhat sad. Sehun couldn't understand why she hadn't told him. His baby...they were having a baby.

That night he watched Namjoo sleep soundly. Reaching over to fix the blanket around her he wondered about the child growing in her belly. Was it difficult for her? How exactly should he be preparing for this next step in his life?

Moving closer he pressed his face gently against her shoulder.


Namjoo was up and early and preparing breakfast downstairs. Sehun's cup of coffee was already at the breakfast table waiting for him. Today was another day just like every other. Sunday, which meant there was nothing to do. Tomorrow she'd be back at work and driving around to meet people in order to prepare for an upcoming wedding. She had to check in with flower arrangements, the bridal hall, and the chef preparing the course meals. Work was more demanding than Namjoo ever expected, but she was glad and happy with it. The workload helped keep troubles off her mind.

"Why are you up so early?" Sehun asked when he walked in.

"I just couldn't sleep," Namjoo replied glancing back. "Your coffee is on the table."

"Want to do something today?" Sehun wondered taking a seat at the table.

"Might just sleep all day," Namjoo answered. "You can go out if you want."

She turned around when he didn't answer and found him observing her. A moment of silence crept in and Namjoo almost feared something was wrong.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Sehun asked.

Her lids fluttered, "Tell you what?"

"We're having a baby."

Her insides quivered. Namjoo ended up looking away suddenly feeling guilty. She heard Sehun get up to his feet before his hand touched hers. Leading her toward the table he sat her down then pulled his chair over so they were side by side.

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