The Worst Criminal

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Darkness continued flowing through the air easily. His breathing remained steady as he sought the dark for the answers Namjoo had never given him. Sehun could no longer make sense of their friendship. He cared, he really did, but it seemed as if Namjoo had already flown off to another planet. The weight of her soft steps neared the foot of his door before she passed by. Slowly getting up to open the door he poked his head out into the empty hallway. Namjoo was already in her bedroom, door shut tight, and he felt it was to say he was no longer invited into her world.

That they were no longer anything.

What came the next morning made him the most uneasy. Namjoo at the kitchen table. Namjoo beside him.


It was hard to even look at her, even more so than he ever expected. Deep in his heart he still wanted to be close to her, but physically it wasn't the same. They had yet to talk after their night spent together, but to start

Tingles swept up his body when their arms brushed. Namjoo was stony-faced, kept eating away like he wasn't there. He was hungry, he wanted to eat, but all he was aware of was the presence next to him.




He gulped. This was difficult. If it was to be like this, he'd rather Namjoo be angry at him. He needed her to yell at him, be mad, get pissed off. Sehun needed her to do something.

"Sehun." His attention was finally brought to. Sucked out of his thoughts his head shot up, wondering if he may have missed something. Namjoo's father stared straight at him.

"Huh?" he asked lost.

"I was just wondering; do you know where you're going to go after this?"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Once you get your degree," he went on. "Have you decided where you want to go and what you want to do? Have you found a job yet?"

Were they...

Before his thoughts completed Namjoo's mother interjected, "We were just thinking it might be better for you to find your own place. Not that you're not welcomed here, it's just we were thinking since you're starting to be independent and you'll probably get married soon, it'll be more convenient for you than to stay somewhere like this."

But he liked it here...

Disappointment sliced through a part of his heart. He slightly turned to glance at Namjoo hoping she would say something in his defense, but she just sat there quietly.

"Why don't you take some time to think about it?" her father snatched his attention.

Sehun glanced at the elders and nodded his head. He couldn't refute.

Straight after breakfast Namjoo headed up to her bedroom. The door was shut tight once again when he went upstairs. If not for the rift growing between them they would be out bathing under the sunshine. It seemed like so long since he had done something decent with Namjoo.

His phone beeped by the time he walked into his room. Taking a glance at it showed three missed calls and a text from Lee Chul.


"You're late!" Chul called out shooting a hoop when Sehun walked into the fenced basketball court. Jogging toward the bouncing ball he caught it before throwing it over. Sehun caught it perfectly against his chest before bouncing it against the floor.

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