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Dan got home late so I was going to let him sleep in and make us pancakes. I walked in to his room to get one of my shirts and that's when I say her.
I yelled backing into the corner of the room.

Oh no Phil must have seen the girl. I mumble curse words under my breath.
"Phil calm down I'm coming!"
I yelled walking into the room.
"I found this girl when I went to get some more cereal and milk. She was ruing on the streets and looked pretty messed up. She fell into my arms and fainted so I took her here."
I said
"You brought a strange girl into our house! What is wrong with you?! "
Phil said

I was woken up by Phil's yelling. I was in such pain but I pulled my self together. Here was my plain.
1. Don't tell them your a huge fan and know more about them then there mothers
2. Get some food
3. Walk back to hell/hotel
"Hi I'm Amy.."
I said sitting up in the bed. I let a small painful yell come out of my lips.
"Your face...are you okay"
They both said at the same time.
I reached up to feel my swollen face. I still probably still had a black eye from a couple days ago and I definitely broke a rib or something.
"No no no!!!"
I cried I never told anyone about what my mom did to me. But I trusted them.
"My mom hurt me.."
I yelled pulling up a little bit of my shirt to revile the black and blue ribs.
"Oh sweetie! Ok ok you take a shower I will make food and then me and Dan will take you to the clinic ok?"
Phil said handing me some sweat pants and a large sweater. With out instruction I walked into the straight into bath room. Luckily they didn't think much about it. I took a shower and changed into the large close. I'm 5'4 so there clothes were huge on me. My eye was still swollen and I couldn't hardly see. I walked out of the room to find a plate of pancakes waiting for me.
"Thank you.."
I said eating the pancakes really fast.
"Ok are we ready to go?"
Phil said taking my hand while Dan took my other. I could barley walk but they both helped. They lead me to a car and I sat in the middle of them. Soon I felt my eye closing and I feel asleep on Phil's shoulder. I could believe they whole situation I was worried I was going to wake up this would be a dream.

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