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It's been about 4 weeks I have spent with Dan and Phil. Most of the time we played video games or watch anime and eat food. For me I didn't really leave the house much. Dan or Phil would leave early in the morning or late at night to buy groceries and things. I guess they wanted a double support system. Even some times I would help them film and that was fun. None of us have talked about what going to happen when I get out of my wheel chair and stuff. The question I'm most worried about asking is are you taking me to foster care? But the answer is even worse they could save me or destroy me. But I would never tell them that.
"What's wrong Amy? "
Dan asked with concern in his voice.
"Umm umm nothing I'm just a little nervous.."
I said, which was half of the truth.
"Aww It's ok we are here if you need anything ok? Ok! Well we are here at the doctors office."
Phil said patting my head.


I ran through the apartment door. I could run! It felt amazing. I jumped on Dan's bed which was been mine for the time I have been staying here. I started jumping and laughing. Dan rushed in and jumped on it with me and Phil joined in we were all jumping and giggling. It felt like they were my family. Finally we all rolled on to the floor out of breath.
"That's more exercise than I do in 2 years!"
Dan said happily. I guess would be more than a good time to ask the question I was dreading.
I started to say before Phil cut me off.
"Oh I'm sorry Amy I'm just really excited! You can continue I will go after you."
Phil said apologetically.
"No no it's okay go ahead mine is not important."
I said happy I didn't have to ask right now anyways.
"Well me and Dan have planned a surprise dinner!!"
Phil said sitting up on the floor.
"That's right so how about we take turns showering and then we will be on our way? "
Dan said standing up.
"Ok ok sure"
I said happily.


We arrived at this really big fancy restaurant. I looked horrible under dressed but for some reason Dan had a dress that kinda fit me so I was wearing that's. I walked in with my arms linked with Dan and Phil's. We got to this big room that said private on the door. Dan slowly opened it and a bunch of voices at the same time shouted
I was in terrified but in a good way. A lady with blonde hair that had specs of pink ran up to me and pulled me into a hug. I knew who she was instantly.
"Hi I'm Louise!! It's so very nice to meet you!"
She said joyfully.
"Hi I'm Amy! It's nice to meet you two!"
I said then I looked up at Dan and Phil who were watching me.
I mouthed to them but it was to late someone else already got me into a hug. She smelled really nice and I also knew who she was.
"Hi I'm Zoe! And this is my boyfriend Alfie."
She said.
"Hi I'm Amy! Nice to meet y'all!"
I said while thinking to myself wow Amy that sounded very country ok ok your fine it's not just like you are meeting all your favorite you tubers!!!! Amy that exactly what happing!!
"Hi I'm Caspar and this is Joe!"
A tall boy with blonde hair that kinda looked like a pineapple said to me.
"Hi yes I'm Joe! Also know as Zoe's brother."
He said.
"Amy are others friends are out of town but you will meet theme later."
Dan said talking my hand.
"Umm ok"
I said following him to the table. We all ate and had some causally conversations. Until Dan and Phil both got out of there chairs. They looked very nervous but tried to keep a clam face.
"Umm Amy..you are so nice and sweet and it would be a great honor to.."
Dan said and Phil continued
"To have you be apart of are family forever?"
He said. I got out of my chair and ran into there arms. We all fell to the floor in a puddle of happy tears and hugs.
Everyone at the table cheered and I think Louise was crying. We finished eating desert and we all went home after some lovely goodbyes.
"Amy me and Phil want to give you something.."
Dan said handing me a box. I opened it to find a heart locket necklace.
"so that no matter what happens we will always be with you."
Phil said. I opened the locket to find a picture of Dan and Phil and me. It was early today when we were jumping on the bed. There was feathers flowing down on us that made it look like snow and we all look so happy. I hardly remember taking this photo because I was consumed with happy feelings. Phil bent down and moved my hair away from my neck and put the locket one me.
"It looks beautiful on you.."
Dan said.
"Thank you Thank you for everything.."
I said as he walked into the apartment. It was really late so we all went to bed.

"You know how many teenage girls would kill you to be in you position!!!"
A woman's voice said she doubted like my mom but not quite. That's when a girl who had brown hair and blue eyes came ruing fast to me. The girl was me.. I had a katana in her hand and was coming to kill me.
I shouted trying to runaway but my feet were tangle up in the locket Dan and Phil got me.
I couldn't move.

I was eating some cereal and I was editing some things because I could fall asleep.
I heard Amy yell. I put down my computer and I ran to her room. I carefully woke her up and she started to cry. I pulled her into my arms.
"Shh shh Amy baby it's ok you are safe ok"
I said then I sang a small song she calmed down but looked fully awake.
"Want to go for a walk?"
I asked.
"She nodded."
"I will meet you at the front door in 5 minutes."
I said leaving her room.

5 minutes later

I was at the front door when Amy came from her room. She was in one of Dans sweaters and some shoes and sweatpants. When we got outside I said.
"Haha we need to get you some new clothes don't we?"
"Yes that would be great these are a little big for me.."
She said weakly.
"Amy what is your whole name?"
I asked
"Amelia Winifred Baker"
She said
"Aww that beautiful.."
I said when we arrived to the store I got both of us a hot chocolate and then we walked back home. I unlocked the door and put are cups in the trash.
"Sleep well.."
I said giving Amy a hug and a kiss on the forehead. I checked the clock 4:05 am.
"Wow "
I mumble walking back to me and Dan's room. Tomorrow is a exciting day. I should get some rest. I moved my head over and gave Dan a kiss on his ear. I warped my arms around him and then feel asleep.

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