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I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I ran to the the kitchen were Dan was sitting talking to Louise and Phil was putting the food on the plate.
"Good morning!"
Louise said
"Hi good morning everyone"
I said talking a seat.
"So we all are going to eat some breakfast but then me and Phil have some meetings so Louise is going to take you to by some clothes."
Dan said
"Ok that's sounds good"
I said pouring some syrup on my Pancakes.


"Ok Philly.. Louise and Amy just left so are you ready for the "meetings""
I asked
Phil said
We walked into my old room and then we started to empty the closet and all the draws. We donated the things I didn't need and they moved the rest of my stuff in Phil's room which is now ours. We decided to keep both bed spreads so that when we film are separated videos we could change them out and give the fans something familiar to look at besides us. We finished clearing out everything then we cleaned the room. We found out that Amy plays the piano a little it bit. So me and her an Phil will just take turns. We put on new sheets that are a light blue color and then we put on a new bed spread that looks like clouds in a sunset sky.
We hanged some posters of Cats and pictures of pretty landscape. Just some random pictures of things Amy said she liked.  The I got a call from Louise.
"Hey what's up?"
I asked
"Oh not much we are Almost done we should be back in 20 minutes Amy is in the restroom..she is quite funny I tried to show her some dresses and things but she picked out skinny jeans and some shirts with video game characters and things like cats. She is totally  your daughter! She even looks like you two a bit! Ok she is coming back see you guys soon"
Louise said.
I laughed and told Phil the story. "So are you ready?".
I asked
He said
"Hey guys so me and Phil have some exciting news....we have found a lovely little girl we want to adopt...her name is Amy you will probably see her sometime soon. She is 13 and it's a very long story about how we found her..and me and Phil are dating by the way. We love each other more than friends. I have moved in his room and I gave Amy mine.. So yeah I will explain more a little later but thank you guys!"
I said pulling Phil into a hug and giving him a kiss. Then I turned off the camera.
"Ok I will quickly edit it and then post it to are YouTube channels."
I said talking my computer.


"We are home!!"
I shouted I was already wearing my some of my new clothes and they fit much better.
"Welcome home!!! Thank you so much Louise!"
Dan said giving me a hug and then her Phil came ruing and did the same thing.
"Well I have to go pick up Darcy form a friends house I better be going! It was lovely Amy I will see all of you next time!"
Louise said giving me a hug and the walking out the door. Dan and  Phil took some of my bags and help me carry them into Dan's room.
"Wow..what happened?"
I asked
"Well this is now officially just your room.."
Dan said
"What do you think?"
Phil asked
"It amazing!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!"
I said giving them both hugs.
"I'm glad you like it!"
They both said
"Well here is a phone so you can call us if need anything and we already put  in some others people's phone numbers like Louise and things like that..and here is a laptop you can do school work or watch YouTube and things like that..well we will leave you to do it.."
Dan said leaving with Phil. I put my clothes and shoes away then I opened my laptop and when I to YouTube. I firstly went to danisnotonfire subscribe and then AmazingPhil. That's when I saw the video titled
Important news!!!!
I putt in some earbuds and watched it. My jaw fell open and I stared freaking out. The comments where crazy and it was super funny to see everyone freaking out . I spent the rest of the night on YouTube and tumblr. Until I fell asleep.

Me and Dan went to go check on Amy she was sleeping and her computer screen was open to YouTube she fell asleep watching  pewdiepie or Felix. I giggled and I put her computer on her desk and plugged it into the charger Dan did the same with her phone and finally we put her under the covers. We both kissed her on her forehead and then we left. To go to bed also.

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