Chapter 1, the Portal

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               (MCD) Aphmau's POV

Aphmau was still shocked that she was lady Irene, as in THE lady Irene. But she was growing used to it, but that didn't matter right now, what mattered now was getting to Phoenix drop and dealing with the black stuff problem. Apparently the black stuff from when Aronn . . .  A-aron . . . NO! She couldn't think about that now,she had things to do! The black stuff was spreading, and fast to! So she and the others (Garoth, emmalyn, kenmur, Lucinda, Katelyn, and Travis) where headed to Phoenix drop and so where Nicole, and Cadenza who had stopped by to check on their little town. When they got to the portal the group was met with a not so surprising surprise, Leona and yip where fighting again. "WHY ARE YOU HERE!?!" shouted Leona. "IM GONNA GO WITH LORD APHMAU, THATS WHY!" yip yelled in response "NO YOUR NOT!! I AM!" "NO!!" "YES!" "NO!!!" "YES!!" They continued to yell, back and forth. until Katelyn shouted louder than both of them, "OH WILL YOU SHUT UP ALREDY NITHER OF YOU ARE COMING WITH US, IF ALL YOU DO IS YELL!!!" Quickly, aphmau added in "you can both come, but please try to stay quiet!" So, they all hoped thru the portal, to go to Phoenix drop.

Levin, Malichi, Dante, and WAIT. The CHICKEN SHAMAN?!? were waiting for them when they arrived, as soon as cadenza saw him, she started backing away saing something about "seeing enough crazy for 1 day" aphmau on the other hand plastered a fake smile on her face and asked "chicken shaman! What are YOU doing here!" As politely as she could manadge. "Ahh terible chicken house builder, you are as stupid as always! OBVIOUSELY me and what is left of my people have come to give you help! My chicken viledge was taken over by tu'la soldiers, and me and timberly escaped, and we remembered how we were in an alliance with you, the terrible chicken house builder. SO we came here to help you and obviously  you need it, I mean LOOK at this place! Not even a stupid human could live in these houses, I can't even EMAGIN where your chickens live!" Aphmau, gritting her teeth replied, "it sounds more like YOU need OUR help" "of course not! But, since your obviously to stupid to understand I will just pretend I didn't here that" "Whatever! Said Katelyn butting in, " let's just do this and get back to the island!" "Yeah" said dante, "come on guys, let's go" they walked tuards the place where Aron-aron . . . died

               (MCD) Katelyn's POV

Ugggg! Aphmau had told Katelyn about the chicken shaman but she had not thought that he was THIS anoying, of course hes not as bad as Travis, but still! They finnaly got to the site, emmalyn chatting about what an honer it was to see this ritual being preformed. All of a sudden, Dimitry and nekoette~tan ran up to them being followed by kawii~chan. "Nekoette~tan, Dimitry-kun come back here!" "BUT WE WANT TO SEE LORD APHMAU DO MAGIC!" Shouted Dimitry. "YEAH!" Joined in his little sister, waving her bow and arrows around. "Dante-kun! Help kawii~chan!" The siblings ran over to Aphmau, as she said "oh they can watch, asking as they stay quiet!" So, everyone made kinda a semicircle around aphmau, as she nelt on the ground with her hands clasped together. As she went into her Irene form, and her wings and frost sword appeared the ground shook slightly. and then katelyns vision was enveloped in a blindind white light, so she shut her eyes tightly. And when Katelyn opened her eyes, the gaping hole in the ground, which had been covered with evil black stuff, was now a small, grassy hill, even the portal to the irene demention which had stood there was restored and . . . ACTIVE!?! "what the?" Muttered Aphmau before the portal sucked them all in.

               (MCD) Leona's POV

there was no time to react, after lord Aphmau had restored the hill and portal, the wind seemed to pick up. Pushing all of them into the portal. Katelyn was the first to go, then the chicken shaman, and timberly, Dante, kawii~chan and their kids Levin and malichi, and oh no, her and yip where flung into the air spinning until that JERK yip, actually had the nerve to knock into her! As she entered the portal, tangled with yip, everything went black.


Hello again! This took me FOREVER **cough**one day**cough cough** to make, so u BETTER leave a like! >:3 I do hope you like it, because I worked REALLY hard to write it, and I'm ADHD, so yeah that just makes it even harder to wright a GOOD story/fabric/thing! Please give me some suggestions in chat! I need all the hep I can get!

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