Team Two: HumbleWriterBug

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Khloe is a hormonal teen girl with a passion for literature. She loves to write, even if it means spending her whole summer inside on her computer. She is a music enthusiast and an overall creative person.


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Hi! I'm Writer X. I'm fourteen years old. I haven't been writing too long on Wattpad but I've been reading on it for almost three years. I travel a lot and my inspiration comes from my experiences with new people and places. I hope you enjoy reading our stories for this competition.


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Hi, I'm Ashley and the first thing my mother told me when I told her I wanted to be an author was "You need a pseudonym," so that's when I came up with Aurora B. Hills. I am cursed by having the passion of writing because that's all I think about, but when I'm not writing, I'm watching true crime TV shows or hanging out with friends. To be become a writer, you need a pen and paper before imagination, remember that. 


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The Writer's Games: Summer 2016 Edition ♡Where stories live. Discover now