Writer Sharks and Sharp Ink: Prompt One

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Read through all five entries and vote for your favorite - only ONE!

In her mind, memories played of her and her grandmother.

"Can I add the choc chips in ,granny?",Marie asked with her sweet voice.

"Yes, honey. Of course!", her gentle elderly voice was like the soft music of a flute in a giant orchestra. It was quiet but without it the symphony would be incomplete. Marie lifted up the small bowl and tipped it slightly and started shaking the chocolate out. It fell over the mix and Gran stirred it through. 'Yum!',Marie thought.

"Can you please pass me the tray, sweetheart?",Gran implored Marie.

"Yes!",Marie reached over to her left and passed the utensil over. Marie was wearing a taffy pink frock under her white apron. Her black, straight hair reached her shoulders and swung around.

Her eyes began to well up with tears. Why? Why her? Why did people die? Wasn't there enough misery and pain in the world that death had to add more? Tears swam down her cheeks like professional swimmers in a race. She traipsed over the park, her vision blurry from tears. When suddenly, she stumbled. It all happened so swiftly! One minute she was walking, the next her face was caked with mud.

"Awww.... Don't worry, hun. Everything is ok.",Marie could imagine her Gran picking her up and hugging tightly while uttering those words. She burst into more tears but she didn't get up. She hoped, she knew, that if she waited long enough, someone might just pick her up. So she laid there like a stone on the ground ,barely moving. Her head was throbbing with pain -an outcome of crying. Her chest and arms stung from the fall. A fog was blanketing the floor; water started dripping from the trees and above.

"Marie!",she couldn't tell if it was reality.

"Marie!",her name was shouted again and again but soon she fell into darkness...

The Writer's Games: Summer 2016 Edition ♡Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant