Revolutionaries: Prompt Three

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Please read the following two prompts and vote for your favorite - only ONE!

I was walking home in the cool crisp autumn night. I've had a long day at soccer practice today and the only thing I was craving was a nice relaxing shower and the soft touch of my bed. I had scraped my knee pretty bad which left me with a slight limp.

As I round the corner to my neighbourhood a small spark in Mrs. Shepherd's rose bushes caught my eye. Thinking it was probably nothing, I readjusted my bag and continue on my way.

Suddenly, something whizzes past my ear. I look around in confusion still seeing nothing. I tentatively continue down the path to my house when a soft voice is heard.

"Help us." The voice says again. A light then appeared in front of me. It's small glow began to grow larger.

Quick as lightning or so as quick as I could be with a hurt knee, I turn in the other direction and run. Eventually deciding to drop my bag to gain more speed, I turn around to see the mysterious light that had grown twice my size.

A scream had finally been able to escape my lips. My lungs were burning by now and the light had gone away. I stopped running long enough to catch my breath.

The wind began to pick up as I cautiously found my bag. I opened my bag in search of my cell phone. I began dialing the police to report the strange occurrence that had just taken place when a bright flash covered the sky and a long beam hung from the sky falling in front of me.

My breath hitched as a creature was about my height opened his mouth to speak.

"Help us."

A scream hurled out of me. This time the alien of some sort hand slapped over my mouth. It then held a finger up to his own signaling me to be quiet.

After removing it's hand a horrified look was painted over my face. It mirrored my face as he looked me over.

"Help us." It repeated once again needle in hand. My body became heavy as It injected me with a cool fluid that I felt rushing through my bloodstream. My eyelids became heavy as I hit the pavement.

I wake to a cool wind brushing over. I had been laying on a slightly damp floor. I stand in disgust trying to figure where I was. Last thing I remember is passing out on the ground. A light flickered on. I turn towards the light to see the outline of the creature I had come to face before.

"Help us."

Clearing my dry throat I began to speak. "W-what are you"

"I am a Galacticus 3679. You are Gemma."

"How do you know my name?" My breathing became heavier at the thought of being watched by this terrifying creature. "What do you want from me?"

"Help us."

"What could I help you with Galacticus 3679?"

"Save us."

"I don't even know you how am I supposed to save you?"

"Follow." I hesitantly follow hoping I was not being lead to my death.

The sound of suction cups edged through the hall as Galactus leads me the other way.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Follow." The slimy lizard like creature screeched.

We continue down the erie hall. Only the sound of our footsteps could be heard. We stop outside of a large diver deadbolted door. Galacticus opens a small compartment and a laser scans over his eyes. The door slides open with ease.

A room with a large table was now unveiled. Galacticus pressed a few buttons and then a hologram came up. My jaw dropped in surprise as it showed more creatures that looked like Galactus. They had shackles on their small bony ankles. They were bowing down with tortured faces to a creature not like the others.

He had big broad shoulders. And his body was six times the size of me. Hair covered the beast. And his teeth were basically knives pointing in every direction.

"Help us." Galacticus pushed another button making a beam appear. He walks toward it and then turns around. His hand was out reached for me. I swallowed the growing lump in my throat and grabbed his scaly hands. We stood under the beam. I felt myself being pulled upwards. And within a blink of an eye we were on Galacticus' planet.

Galacticus grabbed my hand and pulled me into cover. His placed his long finger against his lips to shush me. I nodded my head and stood there shaking in my sneakers.

Galacticus opened a small latch and told me climb in. As I climb hot air and the smell of sewage hit my face.

I scrunched my nose in disgust at the paralyzing smell.

We continued to club down until our feet hit the soggy ground. I didn't want to imagine what exactly I was stepping in.

We continued through the tunnel until we stopped at the gateway to end of the sewer. Galacticus' finger pointed to the beast from the hologram. "Hagamith must die."

I turn my head in shock. "You want me to help you kill someone!" He nods his head as if this was completely normal.

"Help me, help us."

He slowly peeled open the gate. We were now standing right behind the beast. Galacticus ran behind a wall that would give us more coverage. I ran behind him making sure not to make a sound.

"If we're going to kill Hagmith or whatever we're going to need a plan." He nodded his head agreeing. "So what the plan?"


"Weak...oh what's his weakness."

"Chocolate." I scrunch my face in confusion.

"Why chocolate?"

"No question. Just do."

I being a lover a chocolate reached into my bag pocket to pull out a Hershey's chocolate bar. I broke it in half and put the other half in my pocket for later. I sprinted/limped toward chocolate in hand jumping on the beast's back. He let out a ferocious scream. With his mouth wide open I slid the chocolate into his mouth and jumped off his back and ran back to safety.

With one more shriek from the beast he crouched to the ground holding his throat. He sat there gasping for air. Until finally he hit the ground. The creatures had gathered around by now. They let out whoops and holler at the falling of the beast.

Galacticus led us out from behind the wall. He began to speak in his foreign tongue. And then he turned to me. "Chocolate bad. Thank you." With that he pulled out a remote and zapped it at me.

I woke to be back on the sidewalk. I checked my phone. The time had read 6:17. I stood In pure confusion. I grabbed my bag and ran home. Ready to tell the tail of what happened today. Today was most definitely like a dream.

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