Writer Sharks and Sharp Ink: Prompt Two

45 2 1

Please read through all four entries and then vote for your favorite - only ONE!

A fire is...

The wind blows,

And the lights flicker.

A snowstorm is brewing in the

Late of the night.

A fire is put on to keep warm

A young girl,

No older than 18 years of age

Sits at the window in her rocking chair.

She rocks, and rocks and rocks to the crackle of the fire that sits in the hearth.

The fire is home, the fire is love.

The fire is beauty, the fire is warmth.

The fire is comfort and a fire is joy.

A fire is more than heat and light, a fire is family.

The snow covers the windows,

It's a blackout.

The streets are covered in the

Soft, white fluff.

The ice hangs on the roofs and trees.

The children eagerly await to play,

The sky stays dark so there will be

No snowman-building today.

A small child plays with her mother and brother

As the fluff begins to fall again.

The Writer's Games: Summer 2016 Edition ♡Where stories live. Discover now