HumbleWriterBug: Prompt Three

48 10 2

Please review the final two prompts and vote for your favorite - only ONE!

My feet pound against the cobblestone road, my heartbeat quickening. Keep pushing Lena, I tell myself. I pick up the pace as my adrenaline kicks in, but I know I can't keep running much longer.

I hear a gentle hum in the distance but don't stop and listen. I can't... I won't let the society win this time.

They've taken so much from me and I can't let them continue to ruin my life.

My feet ache but I push past the burning and continue to run, barely noticing that my speed is beginning to slow.

I look back behind me for the first time and my heart drops to my stomach. It's too late. They're here.

The skimmer speeds up and corners me, hovering above the ground. My brain tries to calculate an escape route with no success.

"Elena Reynolds. You are under arrest for fleeing the society as well as other crimes yet to be determined by The Great. You are now going to be taken into custody."

Three of the foot soldiers dressed in all white advance towards me. I kick and scream in protest but it's no help against their great strength.

I feel a prick in my neck as I fade into blackness, sinking into their arms.

I see Lucas running towards me, yelling my name. He tells me to keep running but I stop. I try to save the last person I have left but I fail. The foot soldiers sedate him and I only know what's coming next. The boy I've grown up with and loved is gone. His body is invaded by them.

Gasping for air I sit straight up only to be stopped by the straps holding me against the bed. I've dreamed this event every night for one hundred and seven days. Not that I've been counting. This is it.

A nurse walks in, rolling a cart in front of her.

"Please, no!" I try to yell, yet I can't find my voice.

"Elena Reynolds you have failed to complete your required preparation. Protocol requires us to initiate the injection ceremony early." The doctor says, strolling casually into the room.

Ending 1

"Elena Reynolds you have failed to complete your required preparation. Protocol requires us to initiate the injection ceremony early." The doctor says, strolling casually into the room.

I take a deep breath. I can't become one of them. They invaded my planet and I can't just let them get away with it.

Doctor Barnes notices the panic crossing my face and advances towards me. He sits on the edge of the bed and places his hand over mine in comfort.

"Think about it, Lena. You can't keep fighting this. Agree to the injection and all of your past human offenses will be forgiven. You can go back to your family. To Lucas."

Tears stream down my face at them mention of my family and boyfriend. I miss them so much. Except they aren't the same people anymore. They're not human; not my family.

"Or we could also send you back to slavery. Don't make us do that, Lena. You're intelligent for a human and would be a great addition to the society. I wouldn't want to waste such a gift."

He disgusts me. Neither decision appeals to me. With slavery comes starvation, beatings, and the worst of all; female auctions. Young females are sold to the wealthy injected for their personal...entertainment.

The Writer's Games: Summer 2016 Edition ♡Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin