Chapter Five: Anything Could Happen

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               Cora's lean body spasmed underneath my arms, her hands immediately latching onto my upper arms and forcing distance between us. I sat back, my expression cool and indifferent while I rapidly tried to summon up an explanation. Why the fuck did I say that? I had no idea they were werewolves! the hell is going on! 

“How did you know?” Cora gasped, her dark eyes about as wide as ping pong balls. The intensity of her grip was starting to get to me, and I squirmed uncomfortably, my mind whirring. 

“I, uh...this guy that I dated back in college was a werewolf. We got pretty serious, but, um...when he told me, I got scared. I couldn’t handle it, so I, um...broke up with him,” I lied straight through my teeth, trying to sound as sincere and “in the know” as possible. The truth was, I hadn’t had a serious boyfriend at UCLA, not even close. The only guy I’d dated in all of my years there had been named Chad and he’d been a second-string running back for the UCLA Bruins. He was a sweet guy, and even a little bit on the hairy side, but he was no werewolf, for crying out loud!

“Oh my god, that’s awful! I’m so sorry. Did you ever see know, shift?”

“Oh yeah, definitely. Well I mean just this once. He...turned...when he first told me he was a werewolf and that’s when I left him.” What the hell am I doing? As much as I wanted to come clean with Cora, I felt this instant bond of trust and friendship form between us as I shared my experience with a werewolf. Like her. Like Derek, like...Peter. Oh, damn! Why does Peter have to be a werewolf?

Why are the cute ones always messed up?

                 After bluffing my way through the rest of her inquiries, the two of us finally rejoined the group in the living room. I couldn’t help but blush when I noticed Peter’s gaze latch onto me like glue until I was seated and the teddy bear guy spoke up. Tingles shot up and down my torso, every muscle in my body suddenly tightening with desire. I wouldn’t mind just hopping onto him and riding that train until the sun comes up. I forced myself to take a U-turn, focusing back on my most pressing issue. Derek and Cora and Peter are all werewolves. Meaning they shift into wolves. Once a month. Or is it voluntary? I need to learn more about this supernatural stuff 

“Charlie, thank you for telling us the truth about your past. I know it was hard, but we couldn’t be more pleased to welcome you into our world,” Derek spoke in his deep, assured voice, and all I could do was nod. This can’t be real...can it? My life had never contained so much excitement, so much adventure.

***                                              ***                                                    ***

                    The next day I wasn’t scheduled to go into work until three in the afternoon, so I decided to  begin my werewolf research so I could at least fake my way through the next couple of days with Cora and Derek...and Peter. I started by googling “werewolves” but all that came up was a Wikipedia page and then a ton of crap sites about the myth and lore of lycanthropy. After breezing through a couple of those, I finally found something that looked helpful.

                  It was a video, of a young teenage boy who stood shirtless and chained up in a cave of some sort. What, is there werewolf porn now too?Ohh-kay then, exiting out now...But when the video actually began to play, I realized it wasn’t porn at all. In fact, the young man’s eyes were turning yellow and the terrifying sound of bones cracking trickled through my headphones. What the hell? And then, before my very eyes...he transformed. His skin bubbled and shifted, dark tufts of hair sprouted from the sides of his face and his teeth elongated into fangs. Oh my’s real. There are actually werewolves! But then I looked closer, and realized that the YouTube video I was watching was labeled “Vampire Diaries, Tyler Shifts 2x11”. Oh. Duh, Charlie. It’s a TV show.

                But despite my reluctance to view anymore, I found myself engrossed in video after video, article after article, page after page from numerous different television shows and their depictions of werewolves. Some contradicted others, some emphasized the classics, and others just...came out of nowhere. Humans with the “wolf curse” must kill to actually become a werewolf. Like, where the hell did that come from? Has Cora killed somebody? Has Peter? Derek?

Oh man, I thought as I scanned the Wikipedia page for a popular show called Teen Wolf. Mythological names and facts flew across my vision, making my head pound with the sudden intensity of it all. I’m in way over my head.


Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait between updates, like I always say, I'm busy with school and friends and guys and just life in general so SORRY! But I hope you like this chapter and I'll try not to keep you waiting so long for Chapter 6! Thanks and dont forget to vote/comment if you like what you read :) xoxoxo

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