Chapter Fourteen: Stay With Me

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       “Peter? Wha-what are you doing here?” I gasped, lifting my tear-stained face to meet his deeply concerned gaze. He looked like he’d just come from the County Jail, but the look in his cloudy blue eyes wasn’t sad; it was remorseful.

“They released Derek. I dropped by The Beauty Bar to let you know, and Annie said you’d taken the rest of the day off,” Peter said quietly, stepping closer until his feet were planted mere inches away from my knees, and I was craning my neck back to look up at him. I couldn’t find the strength to get to my feet; I could hardly find the strength to continue talking to Peter. I heard what he said, but I couldn’t get the words through my brain. Derek’s not guilty?

“’s not Derek? He’s not the killer?” My voice was just a hoarse whisper, but Peter heard me, and he slowly dropped to his knees beside me, wrapping a strong arm around my shaking shoulders.

“No, he’s not. He’s innocent.” 

“Oh my god...oh thank god, thank god it’s not him,” I sobbed, falling back into Peter’s arms as he pulled me closer against his chest and a warm wash of tears fell from my aching eyes. Thank God. One of my hands reached over to wrap around Peter’s, and I tilted my head to meet his eyes, which were swirling with a complicated twist of emotions as he comforted me.

“I...I don’t know what I would’ve done, Peter. If it was him. If he was...murdering people. Innocent people.” 

“They’re not innocent,” Peter growled automatically, almost without thinking, and I gave a surprised start.

“I-I mean, I know they were involved in the fire that killed your family-”

“And nearly killed me too.”

“Yeah,” I whispered, letting my head drop back to Peter’s chest as I squeezed my eyes shut, one last tear slipping down my cheek. As much as I tried to ignore it, I couldn’t help but hear the tiny voice of warning in the back of my mind that told me Peter’s reaction wasn’t a good sign. But I pushed it away, snuggling closer to Peter as he leaned down and pressed his soft lips against my forehead, his breath brushing over my face as he let out a quiet sigh.

***                                                ***                                                ***

            The next day I only worked the morning shift, which left the rest of the day open for me to go furniture shopping for my barren apartment and try to figure out how I was going to pay my impending bills and buy a new foundation from my favorite online site. Just as I was wrapping up my shift, two teenage girls walked into the store, and for a second, I thought I was seeing Allison and Lydia. After that fated night when I’d accidentally spilled the beans about Scott and found out that Allison was a werewolf hunter of all things, I was dreading ever seeing them again. But upon closer examination, I realized that no, it was in fact Cora, with a redhead girl who looked remarkably like Lydia Martin.

        “Hey Charlie. Have you met Christina?” Cora chirped as I folded up my apron and walked over to where they were lingering in the entrance of the store. My eyes widened in surprise; this was Derek’s mystery girl! I took in her wide dark eyes, so dark they were almost black in fact, and the beautifully untamed mass of auburn curls that cascaded out of her tight ponytail. She was gorgeous, alright, and I silently applauded Derek on his taste in women.

“Hi! Oh my gosh, I’ve heard so much about you,” I gushed, reaching out to shake her hand, and she responded with a laugh and humorous crinkle of her eyebrows.

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