Chapter Twelve: Feel So Close

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                       “What do you look so happy about?” Annie smirked as she passed me, carrying stacks of eyeshadow palettes in her arms as I kneeled down in front of a Halloween-inspired display case.

“Nothing much.”

“Oh please, your face is lit up brighter than that jack-o-lantern. Tell me!” she persisted, dropping the palettes and turning to face me with her arms crossed, a convincing smile plastered across her features. I sighed, unable to stop the joyful tilt of my lips as I regarded my friend with girlish pride. Bragging about sex wasn’t something just boys did; I’d been eager to share my gossip with Annie all morning, ever since I’d stumbled out of Peter’s car at 10:30 am and Annie had yelled at me for being late.

“Okay, fine. So you know how I told you about that guy I’m sort of interested in?”

“The one who’s an uncle?”

“Yeah, him. Well...last night...we…sort of…,” I trailed off suggestively, heat blossoming in my cheeks as Annie let out a shriek of surprise, one hand darting out to whack my arm in astonishment.

“Shut up!”

“It’s true!” I squealed, biting on my bottom lip as I smiled uncontrollably and let out a laugh at  the dumbfounded expression on my friend’s face.

“Are you serious? Good job, girl! I need to meet this guy, though, if you’re going to be letting him put his-” 

“Ah okay! Okay! I get what you mean, thank you. And yeah, we should totally go out on a double date - me and Peter, you and Bobby?” 

“Yes yes yes! This Friday?” Annie suggested as we resumed our work, trying to keep our voices down now as a group of thirty-something mothers entered the Bar and began poking around. I nodded, still smiling as I headed into the back room to get a couple more boxes of Bobby Brown eyeliners. When I pushed the door open, my face nearly made contact with the wood as it hit against something in the room and bounced back at me.

                      “Peter?” I exclaimed in surprise, my hormone levels shooting skyward as his golden eyes met mine and I dropped the empty boxes in my arms. Peter stepped out from behind some shelves, smirking slightly as I flung myself into his arms and our mouths met forcefully. The connection I felt between me and Peter was strange; I was desperate to find out everything about him, to explore every inch of his body, to kiss him as many times as I possibly could at every possible opportunity. I was hungry for him, I was ravenous for Peter, and it was a new and exhilarating feeling. His lips attacked mine passionately, and I let out a deep moan when he hiked my legs up around his waist and pushed me back against the wall behind the shelves of makeup.

“Peter…” I whimpered, the friction between our bodies igniting flames all over my skin, sending me into a state of such desperation that for a second, I considered having sex with Peter right here, in the backroom. But then I heard a customer from inside of the store, and then what sounded like something being knocked off a display shelf, and I pulled my lips away from Peter’s reluctantly.

“It’s very nice to see you, but...I have to get back to work,” I mumbled, our lips barely brushing against each other as I stared straight into Peter’s eyes. The pull I felt towards him was ground-breaking; I’d never felt so close to another person in my entire life. This is what it feels like to fall in love, I realized, and a huge smile broke out across my face at this. Peter pouted, setting me down on the ground again but keeping me in the circle of his arms.

“I just couldn’t stand the idea of not seeing you until eight. Remind me again why you work all three shifts today?”

“Um maybe because I need the money and Annie has no one else to help her out?” I shot back with a laugh, leading Peter out from the backroom and through the store. A small, bitchy side of me loved parading my boyfriend through the crowd of insecure women, enjoyed the way they ogled Peter and nudged each other, whispers immediately circulating around the store.

“But I have a break for lunch, if you want to go out then,” I suggested slyly, hope bubbling up in my chest as we reached the front of the Bar and Peter took both of my hands in his.

“Absolutely. I’ll pick you up at twelve?”

“Twelve-thirty. See you later,” I called sweetly as Peter kissed me quickly on the lips before pushing open the door and taking off down the street, towards a small gray Jeep. Biting on my bottom lip, I hastily returned to work and brushed off the many questions Annie (and several strangers) threw at me about my boyfriend.

                        When twelve-thirty rolled around, I tried not to look like I was waiting anxiously by the door, but that was exactly what I was doing. After fifteen minutes went by and Peter didn’t show up, my lunch break was nearly over, and so I returned to the inside of the store and grabbed a Luna bar out of my purse to tide me over, disappointment welling up inside of me. What an idiot I must seem like now. I could feel Annie’s pitying stare all the way from across the room, but I grabbed my phone and pretended to be texting someone so that she wouldn’t come over and give me the “pity speech”.

                   The rest of the afternoon after that was pretty terrible, my good mood deteriorating and leaving only bitterness and anger in it’s wake. I felt stupid, and cheated, and let down by Peter. Even though rationally I knew any number of things could’ve happened to make him forget about our lunch date, I foolishly still thought he would at least call or text to let me know that he wouldn’t be able to make it. When four o’clock rolled around, I was busy cleaning up another spill, this time a palette of blushes that had exploded all over the floor.

“Charlie!” Annie called to me from the front of the store, and I stood up with the broom in my hand, swiping off the excess blush that was smeared all over my face. To my astonishment, there stood Peter, but he was accompanied by Cora and some other kid that I didn’t know. I had mixed feelings as I approached them; on the one hand, I could tell something was vastly wrong if they were coming by my work like this. But on the other hand, I was still mad at Peter for blowing me off, so I stood a good distance away from him, arms crossed, as I waited to hear what he had to say.

“Derek’s been arrested. They think he’s the murderer and they’re going to sentence him to life in jail.”


Thanks for reading everybody! Sorry this is very much a filler chapter, but I'll try my best to update soon! Especially because next chapter is going to be a doozy :) Anyway, please  check out my trailer for AIL on the right, I made it myself! and leave me a comment telling me if you like it:) I would really appreciate it! Thanks! xoxox

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