Chapter Eight: Don't Trust Me

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                       Two days passed, and I couldn’t seem to compose my thoughts long enough to question my decision to help Stiles and his werewolf friend Scott. Besides the fact that they were in high school, I was completely terrified that they would realize I had lied about being in the know about werewolves. It was fairly obvious; as I passed through the front doors of Beacon Hills High tentatively, I hastily reviewed all the facts I’d acquired on the internet about lycanthropy. Turn on the full moon. Glowing yellow eyes. Painful bone-breaking transformation into a wolf. Strong desire to maim and tear people to shreds. Got it all. 

“Hey Charlie! Charlie!” I turned abruptly at the sound of two male adolescent voices shouting my name, and sought out Stiles’ pale face and plaid shirt among the bustling throng of sweat-stained, hormonal teenagers. 

“Hey. Remind me again why you summoned me to your high school to do this?”

“Because the government requires us to be here until three and you’re working tonight? Just come on,” Stiles retorted, motioning for me to follow him into an empty classroom, where the brunnette kid sat, impatiently waiting. 

“Okay, so - go ahead and tell her what you told me, Scott.” Scott. That’s right, his name is Scott.

Scott got to his feet, readjusting his position so he was seated rather uncomfortably on the top of the desk. Why do kids sit like that? I wondered vaguely, recalling my own high school days when guys had perched on desks the same way. I hadn’t understood it then, either.   

“Okay...did Stiles tell you about the second victim, found scalped and torn up in the woods the other night?”


“Well I did some research-”

“And by that he means I did research and relayed it to his lazy ass,” Stiles interjected with a roll of his eyes and a darted glance at my expression, which was slightly amused at their antics. So Stiles is the smart friend. 

“Right. Stiles did some research and figured out that both the victims were related to the Hale family fire.” 

“How so?” I questioned, doubt heavy in my voice. Why would they be bothering to connect this to the Hales? Does Derek know? Does Peter?

“The first girl? The daughter of a bus driver at our school, Mr. Myers. Stiles looked into him and found out he was the insurance investigator who ruled the Hale fire an accident - electrical malfunction, he’d said, although it was really suspected arson.” 

“Whoa,” I mumbled, unable to believe that these two highschoolers had figured that out. 

“What about the second victim?” I asked, stepping a bit closer to Scott and Stiles in my anxiety to hear their explanation. 

“Employee at a local video store. Also a known and convicted arsonist. He was spotted by an anonymous witness talking with Kate Argent in a sports bar days before the fire,” Stiles took up this half of the story now, his brown eyes alight as he spoke. I nodded along in awe, my mind whirring at the influxe of new information.

“So you think whoever’s going around town, murdering people, is related to the Hale fire? How?”

“We don’t just think they’re related to the fire...we think they’re related to the Hales. In fact…,” Scott trailed off, getting to his feet and slinging a battered brown and black backpack over one shoulder.

“...we think it is one of the Hales, enacting revenge,” Stiles finished, wringing his hands together excitedly.

 “What?” I exclaimed, my eyebrows shooting up momentarily.

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