Chapter Fifteen: Without a Word

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            Nearly a week later, I was lounging on my newly-purchased black leather chaise lounge, which had cost me nearly two weeks’ pay, watching Law and Order on the television in my living room when a knock sounded on the door, and I jumped to my feet in surprise. I’m not expecting anybody. Making my way over to peer out the peep-hole, I was wholly astonished when I recognized Annie’s sister, Erica, with Derek, the Isaac kid who I’d met at the police station the other day, and some other teenager standing in the hallway in front of my apartment.

“Derek! Erica! What are you guys doing here?” I exclaimed, opening the door wide to let them in, although I was really quite confused as to why they were on my front step. I didn’t even know Erica knew Derek or Isaac.

“Sorry to barge in like this, Charlie, but we need your help. Actually, I need your help. Could we…?” Derek said, jerking his head towards the kitchen, and I followed him in there, mind whirring. What could I possibly help Derek with? And why is he hanging out with a bunch of high schoolers? Do they know Derek is a werewolf? 

“What’s going on?” I asked as soon as we stopped by my refrigerator, and Derek trained his hazel green eyes on me, imploring me silently.

“I’m in trouble. There’s a new pack of hunters in town, and they’re after me and my pack. It’s not even safe for them at school or in their homes, and I thought...maybe they could stay here with you?”

“Whoa whoa whoa, back up. Your pack?” I all but shouted, and Derek took a slight step back, eyebrows raised. 

“Yeah...Erica, Isaac, and Boyd. I thought you knew.”

“O-oh. Oh. Yeah, um...yeah, I was just - yeah, I know about them. Sorry,” I stammered, cheeks heating as I struggled to maintain my nearly-transparent cover. Every time I thought I could get used to having werewolves around, I slipped up and nearly revealed that I was completely and utterly oblivious to everything about them. The slim amount of information I’d managed to dredge up on the Internet was proving futile against the torrent of supernatural activity in Beacon Hills. I need like a werewolf consultant who can answer all of my questions.

“Right. So they can stay here for a few days? Just until I can get the Argents off my back,” Derek continued, and my heart sunk even further. Argent. Allison Argent. Of course.

“Y-yeah, yeah, of course they can stay. I mean, it’s a one-bedroom, so they’ll have to sleep in the living room but-” 

“That’s no problem. Thanks so much Charlie, I owe you one,” Derek said, before turning and disappearing back into the living room to tell his werewolf prodigies the good news. It wasn’t until he’d left and I was stuck facing three teenaged werewolves that I put two and two together and nearly fainted from the shock. Erica. Erica is a werewolf! I couldn’t believe it; her features were all twisted in anguish as she approached me, dropping her duffle bag while the other two just flopped down onto my beautiful leather couch and began watching the end of the Law and Order episode that was still playing.

           “Erica? You’re - you’re a werewolf. A real, honest-to-God werewolf,” I breathed in disbelief as she grew closer, big brown eyes filling with tears.

“I’m sorry, Charlie. I would’ve told you but-”

“Does Annie know?” I asked suddenly, heart clenching at the thought. I needed some normality in my life, and it didn’t get more normal than working at The Beauty Bar with Annie. If it turned out she was mixed up in all of this supernatural shit...well, I didn’t know if I could handle that.

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