Chapter 3

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Kailey's POV:

The next morning I wake up to Cody jumping onto my bed on top of me and snuggling into me. "Cody, get off." I groan. "I don't want to." He says, snuggling into me even more. I groan and push him off of me with as much strength as I can muster. He stands up. "Dang woman, you are strong." He says.

I just smile and get up from my bed. I grab some clothes and change into them (pic above). I put my curly air into a pony tail and apply a little makeup before walking into the kitchen. I realize no one made breakfast so I get the ingredients and make pancakes and bacon.

When they smell it everyone runs into the kitchen and takes a plate. "This is so good Kay." Nicole says. "Thanks Nikki." I say. I named her that since I didn't want to call her Nic or Cole. Once breakfast is over we all just lay around and do nothing.

Sometime at night we are all gathered in the living room when we hear a doorbell. The other houseguests are hear! I'm so excited! We race to the door to meet them I hug them. I've so far met Jocasta, Christine, Hayden, and Caleb. I spend a while with Nicole talking to Christine. "Oh my gosh, I have a sister named Christine." I tell her.

I can tell she will be a strong player and can be trustworthy. Then the other four walk in. I first meet Victoria, Brittney, and Derrick. I see the last one head to the rooms and I follow after him. "Hey, I'm Kailey." I say, he turns around to face me. "Oh hey, I'm Zach." He says. "Not a hugging person Zach?"

"Not really, I just want to play the game." He tells me. "Yeah well, you have to at least get some allies with you. I have only three people in this house I know I can trust, I don't know about the others." I tell him. "Yeah. I don't plan on trusting anyone at first." Oh boy, I can tell he's going to be a good player.

Zach's POV:

I'm just here to play my game so when everyone is hugging I sneak off to the rooms. "Hey, I'm Kailey." A female voice says from behind me. I turn around and see a beautiful girl standing in front of me. "Oh hey, I'm Zach." I say. "Not a hugging person Zach?" She asks.

"Not really, I just want to play the game." I tell her. "Yeah well, you have to at least get some allies with you. I have only three people in this house I know I can trust, I don't know about the others." She tells me. "Yeah, I don't plan on trusting anyone at first." I say. "Well come on then, let's go meet the others."

I follow her to the kitchen where the others are. I sit next to her and she's next to another guy. I think we met earlier, Cody I think. On my other side is the girl in pink, Victoria. This is going to be a long summer.

Hayden's POV:

When I first walk in I am surrounded by look alike. There's The Rock, Whitney Houston, John Travolta, one of the Olson Twins, I mean wow.

Kailey's POV:

We go through the newbies introductions and now that we know everyone I need to find out who I can trust. I know I can trust Nicole, Frankie, and Cody. I think I'll be able to trust Christine and Hayden. I'm not sure about Zach right now, but I will keep an open mind. Nicole and I go off to talk to Christine.

I can tell we're going to get along like best friends at this point. The only thing I'm worried about is when Hailey comes into the game, who will she trust? Oh well. We'll just have to wait and see. Our conversation continues and I'm learning a lot about Christine. She seems really nice.

Then we hear Julie on the tv. "Houseguests. I need the second group of eight to put on your gear and head to the backyard. Your Head of Household competition is about to begin." She says. They go off to change.

I go off to the tiki bar and get a pina colada. Julie explains what's going on and then they begin. "Let's go Christine!" Nicole and I yell. "How do our butts look?" Brittney asks. Dang, they have nice butts. Wow.

I look at theirs and notice that Caleb's isn't that bad. I then realize that he is still on the beam. Christine is still there after Victoria, Brittney, and Jocasta fall. They are now covered in barbecue sauce. Then Christine, Zach, and Derrick fall off. Let's go Hayden.

Then I feel Cody reach around and pull me to him. "Cody." I say. "Yes cupcake?" He asks. "Let me go please." I says. "Well since you  asked so nicely then yes." He says before letting me go. Then Hayden falls off and Caleb is now the second HoH. We all get up and go congratulate him. He is a beast man.

Then Julie and calls us to the living room. "Hello houseguests." Julie says. We all say hi back. "Caleb, congratulations on becoming the second Head of Household of the summer. Now you've all be speculating on how this twist will play out. Well the time to end speculation. Here it goes." She says.

"Every week, two heads of Households will be crowned. Each HoH will nominate two houseguests for eviction. To be clear when nominations are over, four of you will be in jeopardy of going home. And in a Big Brother first. We will have a new competition called the battle of the block." She says.

"Frankie, this week, your two nominees will battle Caleb's two nominees. And the winning duo will not only be saved from the chopping block, but their victory will dethrone the HoH who nominated them, sending him back into the pool of regular houseguests." Julie says. Everyone is so shocked.

"That means you could go from being HoH, to being evicted." Julie says. This shocks everyone even more. Why Julie? Why would you do this? "Frankie, Caleb, as Heads of Households, you will soon be responsible for nominating two houseguests each for eviction." Oh my GOSH!

"I think it's safe to say you each have a lot to think about. I'll leave you with one more thing. I already told the first group, second group, someone in this house right now has a secret, a very important one at that. It will be one of the most important twist of the summer." She says.

Good luck houseguests and good night." Julie says before leaving the screen. "I wonder who has the secret?"I hear Frankie say. I hope no one finds out, I could use five thousand dollars. Then everyone goes off to do their own thing. I go and take a shower and change into my PJs and get into bed.

I feel Cody climb onto of me. "Cupcake can we cuddle?" He asks in a baby voice. "I suppose." I say. He gets into the bed next to me. I cuddle up to him and he wraps his arms around me.

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