Chapter 1

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Serafina's Perspective

When I got out of bed, something was wrong. Very wrong.

I stretched my arms and put on a long, blue dress made of silk, embedded with pearls. The collar was high, and a sword hung at my hip.

I walked out into the town, looking at all the dragons. This was a Nature dragon dominated town. Sometimes, another breed would come, but it was rare. My small hut was made of obsidian and wood was the roof. Many times a dragon would burn it down in anger.

I was strange in the town because not only was I half-human, but I wasn't even a nature dragon.

I was a Deep Sea dragon. You may be confused. So was I. This is how dragon classification works.

There are, for example, Water dragons. Then there are River dragons, and Sea dragons, and Deep Sea dragons, like me. There are different kinds of a kind, you could say.

Human-dragon hybrids are rare. I'm the only one for miles. I get quite lonely sometimes. But now is not the time for nostalgia. Now is the time to see Blossom, the mayor.

She greets me with her usual crude eyes, her strong figure, and very sharp talons. But unlike most, I do not cower under her icy glare. I stare her down. And I thinks she almost likes me for that.

''Serafina, I summoned you for a reason,'' she says in her sardonic tone. I hate it when she enters my dreams.

''I've come to tell you what it means to be a human dragon.''

Those words freeze my blood. I've waited years for this day. I turned seventeen yesterday. A dragon adult. All I know about the dragon side of me is that I can breathe and see clearly underwater. I can also talk to sea creatures. Other than that, I'm human. Very human.

''You are not stuck in that horrific state forever,'' Blossom says. Horrific? My hare is a stunning blue black and my nails are painted deep blue. My skin is olive, and flawless. My eyes are sea foam green. Many human boys like me. I punch them all. I'm quite pretty, by human standards. But I hardly care, for I need to know what Blossom means.

''You can become like Misty.''

Misty. The Deep Sea dragon that takes care of me.  And then, out of nowhere, it hits me.

I can become a dragon. This chills my blood. ''How? When? Can I do it now?'' The questions come like water from a fountain. Endless.

''You blow up,'' Blossom says. That would kill a human! I'd die.

''You just think of a power reserve deep inside you. Imagine it filling you up. And then it happens.''

Blossom takes me outside, to a big field. It's on a cliff by the sea. My heart flutters just looking at it.

She nods.

I imagine the power filling me up, like she said. Then I feel a tingle in my wings...Wings! I have wings! I look at myself in the mirror - like ocean. I gasp, and smile.

My body is  covered in patches of deep blue scales, with light blue speckles all over my wings. My hair has turned sea green, and my whole body is covered in the blue scales. My eyes are black, which is really kinda unsettling. Golden horns sprout from my head. My tail is deep purple, almost black. As beautiful as I am, I'm not happy.

''Blossom, I did not wait Seventeen freaking years to be half dragon,'' I hiss. But Inside, a small part of me celebrates.

Blossom roars, and groans. ''I thought you would say that,'' she grumbles. ''Just wait,'' she says. And an uncontrollable urge tells me to run to the ocean. I scold myself, but I can't stop.

The grass rubs my legs. My dress billows in the wind. Blossom roars after me. I've always been able to breath underwater, but my curiosity is killing me. I dive off of he cliff, and feel the rush of the 200-foot drop. I laugh, and spread  my wings for the first time. And I soar.

My wings glide over the air. My horns give me balance. My tail lashes back and forth. My sea green hair blows in the wind. I unsheathe my sword, and point it down as I dive into the water.

My wings flap in the water, propelling me forward. My tail turns the crystal clear water white as it froths back and forth. My scales glow in the murky depths. And my sword has given me lunch; a salmon. And I can still breath underwater. I smile. As I come up, I see Blossom glaring at me from 200 feet above me. I sheepishly smile, something I've done maybe never.

When I get to the top of the cliff, she drags me inside.

''I have important stuff to tell you and you run into the ocean,'' she grumbles.

''What stuff,'' I pry.

''A half dragon named Atomic was spotted yesterday. She is on a mountain not too far from here.''


''She has a special connection to you. I can feel it. It's something bigger than destiny, something to shatter reality.'' Blossom stumbles backwards.

I was always told she could see the future, and I think I just witnessed it.

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