Chapter 14

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I am alternating POV'S in this chapter

Sera's Perspective

Where am I?

I remember feeling like I hit my head, and I'm here. Where are Atomic and Ella?

The room is so sterile white I can't tell where the walls or ceiling is. Everything seems to glow. I am in an old fashioned white nightgown.

I run, not knowing where the wall is. I slam into it hard, and wince. I bang on the wall. ''Atomic! Ella,'' I yell. No answer. Either the walls are soundproof, or I'm alone. I know it's dumb, but I keep screaming their names. Eventually, I cry to Majirica to bust through the wall. Then I laugh at my stupidity.

I curl into a heap on the floor, and cry. I have no idea where I am, or how I got here. I just remember pain.

Suddenly, a spot in the wall opens, like a door. In walks Elyssia, in battle clothes. I spit at her, my memory returning.

''Don't be so rude,'' she hisses. I crawl away, trying to fly, but my wings are bound.

''I wanted to help you,'' she yells. ''But you were too arrogant to see that. I wanted you three to be my right hand servants. You would be famous beyond belief. But no, you yelled at me. Naughty children must be punished.'' She snaps her fingers, and the door closes, leaving me in the blinding whiteness that envelops me like a blanket.

''Now, you will really be my slave. You will do anything I ask, even kill yourself. Don't worry, I'll never ask you to kill your friends. In fact, I'll ask you to stay away from them. Never to see them again!''

''What makes you think I'll listen?''

''Magic. Yes magic. I am the Elf Queen. Do my will.'' And there is a ringing in my ears, and a flash of blue light, and I fall on the floor.

Atomic's Perspective.

I wake up in a white room, blindingly white. Immediately, I run until I find the wall, and pound on it, yelling, ''Elyssia! Where am I? Where is Sera? Ella? Tell me!'' It's pretty futile, though.

No answer. I hear a ear-splitting shriek through the wall, and recognize it as Sera. I bang on the wall even harder. ''Serafina! Serafina! Please don't tell me your stupid face is dead! Please...please.''

''She can't hear you,'' says a voice. Elyssia. She walks into my room. I hiss at her. My wings are bound.

''You'll never see her again.'' Elyssia booms. I almost laugh. ''Why not?''

''Because I have cursed her. Know this: your prophecy can never be completed with two of you. But you never needed three. you needed five.'' Then she recites;

''Five shall be one, their quest never done. One lonely, one lost, one abused, one loyal, one tired. Their service shall never be retired.''

''Where's the rest,'' I ask.

''Lost,'' she says. ''Lost.''

''Lost where,'' I ask.

''In time.'' I am confused. ''What?'' Elyssia groans, obviously frustrated. ''In time, you fool!''

''Atomic,'' shouts a voice, distantly.

''Ella,'' I yell. Elyssia slaps me. ''I'll deal with the redhead.'' And she storms off. I'm nervous for Ella's safety now.

I stare at the wall in shock. she slapped me. Freaking slapped me. She'll have hell to pay later. Especially if she kills the others.

Ella's Perspective.

''Atomic,'' I call. I hate this cell. It's so white I can't tell up from down. My wings are bound.

Elyssia comes into my cell. ''You little-'' I don't hear the rest because a ringing fills my ears. She hit me. I feel my cheek. It's wet with blood. I gasp. ''Where are they? What did you do?''

She laughs. ''Like I'd tell you.'' And she kicks me across the room. I yelp, her boot colliding with my rib cage. Small people perks, so enlightening.

I hiss at her, despite my whole body throbbing. I try to use my power, but I can't. Her 'magic' again. Why is magic always a life saver? Especially for her. Magic this, magic that.

''Someone needs a lesson in kindness,'' she says. I was talking out loud? ''Yeah, you,'' I retort. She stares at me.

''Sera is lost to you. She is my slave,'' Elyssia said. I stare at her, wide-eyes, and scream. So high pitched, she covers her ears. She leaves. Did I mention, gemstone dragons share one power. Yelling at the pitch of erupting lava. It's very loud.

I lean against the wall, utterly spent. That power didn't use magic, so her spells didn't stop me from using it. I hear a crash in the other room. It sounds like smashing cement. And it's heading for my room.

I laugh, thinking that I'm about to die. I am probably going insane. I crawl away from the noise.

A hole appears in the wall. Majirica sticks her head through it, with Atomic, Ted, and Alex on her back.

''Ted was kidnapped, too. I got them out,'' Alex says.

I got them out, Majirica says, projecting her thoughts so all can hear. I smile, and climb on her back. She flies back out through the dragon-sized hole.

The outside looks like a skyscraper. A big, white skyscraper. It's Elyssia's prison. Waving her hand, Alex fixes the holes.

''Where's Sera,'' I ask.

Their faces fall. I couldn't break through the wall, Majirica says.

Ted looks hard at me. Then he says, ''I heard her scream. I know Atomic's, and you're a diamond dragon, yours would be louder. And Alex wasn't trapped.'' I start to panic. Oh, Sera. I really don't want all the water dragons after us. They are deadly loyal to their queen.

Atomic speaks up. ''Elyssia has made Serafina her slave. We need to rescue her, and break the spell.'' I gasp, and the others are equally shocked. Concern is strong from Majirica.

''Fly fast as you can, Majirica,'' Alex yells. And I discover what it's like to ride a bolt of living lightning.

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