Chapter 27

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Sera's Perspective

I don't really know what happened. I just walked out of the sky to find Tzarr, Atomic, and Apollo sitting around a campfire.

Apollo had run up to me, and kissed me, hugging me. I returned the gesture. "I thought you were dead!" he said. "I was." I reply. Atomic looks at me, and, for maybe the first time ever, hugs me. I smile. And Tzarr smiles.

"What happened to you?" they ask. I smile. "Er...I died, and now I'm here."

"What physically happened?" Tzarr asks. I honestly am not sure. It was all a big, white blur. But I say what I remember.

"Ella swung her axe, and there was no pain, only blackness. I felt like...I can't describe it. I was in a void. It was just pure emptiness. I was just a soul, I guess. Everything was black, but then images swirled. I saw my life play in front of me. My whole thing. But, it was like, an eternity in the blink of an eye. I saw love, regret, war, fear and hate. An overwhelming amount of hate. At Ella. Elyssia. The humans who sided with her. But then, out of the blackness, came life. Everything began to glow. There was this voice in my head, and it spoke, but not with words. I knew what it was saying, though. The thing it said made me laugh, cry and hate, but I will not say what it said, for frankly, I don't know how to translate it into anything we would understand. It gave me new life. I felt myself change. I'm still Sera, but...a different Sera. Not the small, quiet girl from the village, for she had not gone yet. Not completely. I was no longer the hesitant warrior. No longer the naive young queen. My hardships, loves, desires, they all came together to form, well, me. But not me. I was reborn from the ashes like a phoenix, and all my flaws were turned into strengths. I opened my eyes (though I had not realized they had been closed) and set foot onto grass. And here I am."

Their eyes were wide when I finished. But there was one thing I had not told them.

"Can you, like, die?" Tzarr asked. My clever friend, I thought. "I just did." I joke. "But actually, I can sense that I cannot. I am now a demigod."

"Woah!" Atomic says. "You are a freaking demigod?" I nod, smiling. I laugh. My laugh is different. It is kinder, but harsher all at once. "Yup. I will still live a mortal life, but I don't think I can be killed by a flesh wound or illness."

"But you're not Deep Sea anymore!" Apollo points out. "You're half-galaxy, like me!"

"Oh, yes. I am part galaxy, part angel. I had to be, obviously. I reincarnated."

"But why? Why are you still alive?" Tzarr asks. "You should be dead!"

"That's kind of you to say." I retort, with a joking tone. "I should. I don't know. But I am, and I don't want to be back where I was, so say nothing." I narrow my eyes, making Atomic laugh. "You got an enemy, bro." Apollo teases.

The fire crackles as we joke and laugh, happy to be together. But it is bittersweet. Ella...

Ella, they said, killed herself when she saw Atomic. Coward, I think. But I should not be so mean. She had just killed me. They tell me how Atomic killed Elyssia.

"Then, blood rained down upon the terrified faces of the men as I reached for her eyes-"

"You did NOT!" Tzarr says. "You liar." Atomic slaps him, laughing. "Hush!" she hisses. "As I was saying, I killed her very gruesomely." I smile.

"This may be awkward." Tzarr says. "But we buried you. Like, earth and stone, skin and bone, by the sea, R.I.P." We all laugh. His face scrunches up as he realizes that he rhymed. I laugh the hardest. "I don't know. But this is perfect."

"Why is it perfect, Sera?" Apollo asks.

"Because, you dim-witted piece of rubbish, anyone after us will think I'm dead, Ella's dead, and Atomic starved in the woods." A smile creeps across his face. "Genius." he says.

"Aren't I always?" I ask, flipping my blue hair. They laugh. And as I think about all that is good, the fire crackles.


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