Will you come with me?

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We get to the lobby and spot Blake and Nikki. Nikki is on her phone but Blake looks over and smiles at me. Francesco kisses my hand then we walk up to them "You look good Lana." Blake says, which gets Nikki's attention off her phone. "Thanks Blake so do you..and you too Nikki." I smiled, she's wearing a white dress with heals and her hair is in a high pony tail. "Thanks! I'm glad you guys came." She said,

"I'll go get our car Lana, I'll pull up to the front." Francesco said. "I'll go get ours Nikki." Blake says. "Okay." We nod. They walk out. "we've got such handsome men." Nikki says. "We do. Hey how did you meet Blake?" "We were at a party at a mutual friends house, he was talking about producing songs and playing the guitar, I told him about how I sing and he wanted to hear me." She smiled, you can tell she really likes him. "Aww. Yeah he talks a lot about you."

"He does?!" She blushed. "Yes! He told me he really likes you and you've been seeing each other for a little." "Yeah it's been 2 months but we aren't officially dating yet, only because he's never home, he's always on tour, which I don't mind at all, I think it's amazing, he's great at it." "Yes he is, he's awesome. I think you guys will be dating soon." I smiled. "You use to date him right?" Nikki asks.

"Well, kind of, we kind of just hooked up. But we've been friends for a long time. We weren't ever serious." "Oh okay, cool." She smiled. Then we see them pull up "yay! I'm starving." Nikki said "me too girl!" I agreed.

"I like Nikki, she seems so chill. She's really nice." I told Francesco. We're on the way to the restaurant. "Good! Yeah she seems nice, not crazy." "I know he always picks the crazy ones. She asked if I dated Blake." "Did you say no it's your worst nightmare." Francesco said.

I laugh then hit his arm "no! I just said it wasn't serious and she didn't seem threatened it was great, she kinda didn't care." "Good! Maybe they'll get serious and he can leave us alone." "Oh my god." I laughed.

"Where do you live Francesco? Are you just visiting?" Nikki asked as we're all eating. "Sadly yes. I live in Santa Monica. Amelia is too young to bring on the road." "Ohhh, I get that, my sister just had a baby and she never leaves the house or let's anyone hold her, I don't go see her,it's kind of crazy." Nikki said then we all laugh, Blake smiles and puts his arm around her,they seem so happy! I'm so happy for him.

Francesco and I are back at our hotel, he has to leave in the morning, I'm so sad but I'm glad he at least came to see me, we're in our bed cuddling. "I don't want you to goooo." I groaned. "Me either.. But I'll see you in a few days..and so will Amelia!" "I can't wait. I'm not going to want to leave." I laughed.

"Let's wake up early before my flight tomorrow and get breakfast somewhere." Francesco says. "Okay! We can go to that cafe down the block."  "Okay. Your flight is after mine right?!"   "Yeah we leave for New York at 11:30." I said. "Okay, come here." Francesco said pulling me closer to him. I put my legs around his and lay on his chest. 

He strokes my hair and kisses my forehead while I hold his hand and play with his fingers "Your birthday is coming up." I smiled at him. "I knowww. I'm gonna be so old!"    "No you're not! Stop it. What're we gonna do?"    "Well you're still going to be on tour." Francesco said.

"Soooo. We can have someone watch Amelia and me and you can celebrate."    "Babeeee I don't want to celebrate." Francesco frowned. "Whatever! We're going to anyways." I grinned. "We'll see."

It's 9 the next morning, Francesco and I just got to the cafe down the street. "Mmm this bagel is so good." Francesco smiled, I laugh then run my fingers across his face "I'm gonna fucking miss you." I frowned. "I'm gonna miss you babe, I'll call you when I get home. You just worry about killing these shows." He smiled.

"I will. Tell your mom I said thanks for watching Amelia." "I will. I had a really fun night last night." Francesco winked. "Me too, I'm sore,in the best way." I laughed. "Mmm I like to hear that." He said kissing my cheek. I just dropped Francesco off at the airport. I'm back at the hotel now, it's empty without francesco, I lay on his part of the bed and get in the covers. I have an hour to sleep before I leave for my flight. I miss my Amelia so much.

I wake up to someone knocking on my door, I look at the clock and its 10:15 so I still have time. I walk to the door and open it "hey" Blake smiled. "Hey, what's up" I smiled back. "I wanted to know if you wanted to ride to the airport with Nikki and I, she's getting ready,I know Francesco left this morning."

"Yeah sure. Wanna come in while I get ready?" I asked. "Sure" Blake says, then I let him. He sits on my bed, I go into my bathroom and leave the door open while I wash my face and start putting on my makeup. "So what do you think of Nikki?" Blake asked. "I like her, she's really sweet and down to earth. And she's beautiful." "Good, I'm glad you like her. Yeah she is beautiful...I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend." Blake smiled.

"Aww Blake that's awesome. Congrats." "Thanks Lanz. She makes me so happy, I've never been this happy." "I'm happy for you, you deserve it." I said closing my door so I could get dressed. "Thanks! I'm gonna ask her tonight. It's her birthday, we're going to dinner when we land in Colorado." "That's cute! Let me know how it goes."

I'm in the back of blakes car, him and Nikki are sitting up front. "Nikki let me hear one of your songs" I said. "Nooo nooo, that's okay." She blushed. "Come on Nik! Lana will love it." Blake said. "Okkk ok fine, ill play the one Blake and I wrote the other day." She said hooking up her phone to the AUX "yay!" I smiled.

She starts playing a slow song, her vocals are amazing, she can sing such low notes then go so high. "Oh my god Nikki this is so amazing." I said with my mouth open. "Thanks Lana! That means a lot." She smiled. "You're honesty so good!" I said. "Thanks! I love it." "She can write a song in under 5 seconds"Blake said. "Blake stopppp" she blushed. "That's amazing. Girl you're going to be famous." "I hope so. I just want to make music forever."

We just got to Colorado. Nikki, Blake and I are in Nikki's hotel room. "Hey guys I have an idea." I said. "What's up?" Blake asked. "How about you tour with us Nikki? You can be my opening act." "What?!? Oh my god, are you serious?!?" Nikki said holding her face "what?!" Blake said smiling big. "Yeah! I'm serious, I think you've got amazing talent." I said. "Lana that's amazing! That would mean so much to me! Thank you so much!!" She said smiling then hugs me.

"Of course. You're welcome. You can start after the show tonight so you have time to find a set list and stuff." "That's sweet of you Lanz." Blake smiles. I wink then Nikki says "you won't regret it! Thanks Lana !"

Blake is walking me to my hotel room. "That was cool of you." He said. "I like her voice a lot, I think she's awesome." I said. He smiles then we walk into my room and sit on my bed. "I gotta change soon since me and her are going out tonight before our show,for her birthday dinner, I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend." "Good luck!" I smiled.

Blakes POV
"Good luck" Lana smiled,she pulls her phone out of her purse "fuck! Oh my god." She said standing up immediately holding her hand over her mouth. "Lana What's wrong ?!" I said standing up too "I have to go, I have to get a flight now" she said with tears falling down her eyes "Lana what is it?" I said taking her arm "it's my dad- he's in the hospital, I have to go." She said picking up her bags and walking to her door

"I'm coming,Let me drive you" I said following her. She runs down the hall, I try to catch up to her, she presses the elevator buttons but it's taking too long "fuck this" she said then goes down the stairs "Lana wait" I said following her "I can't, I have to go." She said crying

We get into my car and I rub lanas hand "what happened?" "He fainted at the beach, he's having problems breathing." She said covering her eyes and wiping her tears. "Its gonna be okay, ok?"

We just got to the airport, we called her a private plane so she could leave now. "Will you come with me? Please?" She asked me starting at me with her big green eyes, still watery. I'm suppose to take Nikki out for her birthday, tonight but this is so much more important "of course. Come on." I said putting my arm around her. She wipes her tears sniffling as we walk into the plane.

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