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I walk into the living room and hand Amelia her pancakes, we were yelling pretty loud but the tv is on so she probably didn't hear us, thank god she didn't. Blake blurted out that I slept with Jimmy. I would have Killed him if she heard. She's already been through enough. I sit down next to her and put my arm around her "I'm sorry for snapping at you."  "It's okay mom." She smiled. "I love you."   "I love you too."   "You have to get ready for school soon ok?" I said. She nods.

Then I go upstairs to get dressed, Blake comes in and slams around "Can you control yourself at least until Amelia leaves?" I said grabbing my purse. "Why can't I take her?"   "I didn't say you couldn't." I said. "Well I am." Blake said walking out. I'm still going to get ready, I'll take my car and go shopping so I don't have to be here. I feel bad but he didn't have to yell at me like that, I don't know what to do.

Amelia and Blake left a little while ago. I go outside to smoke, I dial my moms number "hey baby girl!" Mom answered. "Hey mom!"   "Is everything ok? Is Amelia ok?"   "Yeah she's fine"   "I heard what happened."   "Yeah it sucks."   "I'm sorry honey. I can't believe they found out."    "I know me either. But Amelia is dealing with it well so that's good."  "Well good! How are you?" 

"Im ok. That's what I'm calling you about. I don't know what to do and you always have good advice." I said. "Ok hun, what's wrong?"   "Blake and I are fighting, I don't want to say why but it's kind of serious. I don't want Amelia worrying about us, especially after what she found out. And she's already worrying about us, she watches our every move with each other. We just aren't getting along."  I said sniffling. "Aw honey don't cry. I'm so proud of you baby. You've been doing so good Lizabeth. I still don't know how you're so strong. Look, you love Blake right?"  

"Yes. I do. Not like I love Francesco yet but yes I do love him and it gets stronger everyday."   "Okay so then that's all you need, remember all the stuff you and Francesco went through?? You swore it was over with him because you two kept having bumps in the road, well you see where that took you? When you don't give up? I know Blake and I know he is going to do anything for you, and that right there is a blessing already. He's willing to make it work." Mom said.

"Thank you mom. I knew you'd help...I just don't know how to make the first move when I'm so angry."   "It doesn't have to be this second, just don't wait too long, you never know what could happen."  "Thank you. I love you mom. I'll call you later ok?"  "Okay baby girl. Love you too. Tell Amelia I said I love her."   "I will. Bye mom" I smiled. I finish my cigarette then go back inside.

"Talking to Jimmy?" Blake smirked as I walked back inside, I shake my head and roll my eyes "seriously?" I said grabbing my purse, I'm going to get coffee. "Where are you going?!" Blake asked. "Doesn't Matter." I said walking out. Man he irritates me.

I'm driving to "Coffee World" when Jimmy texts me "Hey Lizzy. Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you.. I miss you a lot...hopefully I can see you on my break. -Yours, Jimmy. I delete it then turn up the radio.

I texted Blake to see if I'm picking up Amelia or him "I'm not near. so you'll have to." He replied. I roll my eyes then text back "Ok."   I'm on my way to get her. she's spending the night at her friends house. Her bag is packed and in the car so she's going straight there. "Hey honey"I smiled as she gets in the car. "Hey mom! How's dad?"   "He's good. He's with his friend I think."   "What did you Guys do today?"   "Well we both kind of did our separate things. He had things to do and so did I."  

Oh okay. Well tell him I said hi I won't see him until after school tomorrow." She frowned. "Okay. I will. I'm glad you're spending the night at Tori's house! She's a nice girl."   "Me too, I love her. Her mom said we have to go to sleep early though because it's a school night."   "Smart mom. I would too." I laughed.

I just got home. I walk in the living room and see Blake watching tv, I walk up to him "Have you even talked to Amelia today? Or are you just pouting still?" I said folding my arms.  "Fuck Lana leave me alone!" Blake said getting up and walking to the stairs "No Blake we need to talk!" I said following him, he turns around "about what? I'm over it Lana. I don't care! You can fucking go see Jimmy for all I care!"   "Really?!? You don't care?!?? Don't say that Blake don't push me away like that because I might not come back!" I yelled.

"So go! You obviously want to! I don't care !" He yelled pointing to the door. "Fine. I'm gone." I said walking to the door. "Lana wait." He said following me taking my arm, I turn around "you want me to leave so I'm going to" I said crying. He grabs my face and we start making out against the door he lifts my shirt up and takes it off, I bite my lip as he takes off my bra, then wraps his arms around me and carries me to the sofa,he takes off his shirt then takes my pants off, while kissing my neck, "uhhhhh fuck" I said as Blake slides into me

I pull him closer to me and start kissing him hard, he goes faster while wrapping his arms around me "mmm Blake" I moaned breathing heavy. I get up and turn over with my hands holding onto the sofa, he holds runs his hands down from my chest to my stomach then holds my hips as he goes deep, I put my hand on his "fuckkk don't stop" "Mm god" Blake said as he c**s inside of me.

I'm getting dressed as Blake lays on the sofa "so should we talk.." Blake says. I shrug my shoulders. "Ok.." he mumbled. "Im gonna go to the store. I'll be back." I said grabbing my keys. "Okay."

Damn you. (Book two)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt