You look just like her

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"Lana come back" I hear Byron run after me. "Yeah?" I sniffled. "He doesn't mean it,He's just upset. You two are a great couple ok? You're gong to figure it out!"   "No we're not. It's done. He's over it. You can tell. I would be too."   "Are you over it?"   "No. not at all. I never will be. I get it. I made a commitment to Blake, I broke it but now I'm ready to work on it and make it right. I cut Jimmy out of my life."    "Say that to Blake! Say that same stuff!"   "I do! I have!"   "Not the Jimmy part!"   "It won't make a difference. Byron I appreciate you trying to help but it's over." I said getting into my car.

I turn the radio on high and just drive. I haven't talked to Jimmy and it's weird. So weird. I'm about to go pick Amelia up from school. I did my makeup in the car so I don't look so miserable. I don't know what to tell Amelia. Just the truth I guess.
"Hey baby" I smile as Amelia gets into the car. "Hey mom." She hugs me. "You're hugging me! This is amazing." I smile, she laughs. "How was Alex's?"   "It was good. How're you holding up?"  "What do you mean?"   "Dad texted me saying he's at byrons. I figured you guys are still fighting."   "Oh. We're just trying to figure things out." I said. 

"You were fighting because you were hanging out with jimmy?"  "Kind of. Just a few things. Mostly stuff he doesn't like that I'm doing."   "Well I thought about it, I feel bad...I get it now, yours and jimmys reminds me of me and alex...I wish dad understood, I mean I get why he's mad, definitely, can't just cut him off."

"Well Thanks baby girl but I cut him off last night. No more talking at all."   "You did? I'm sorry dad happy about it?"   "No. we're still fighting. But like you said, I understand why. I don't blame him."   "'re just not going to talk to Jimmy anymore?"   "No. he understands too. Like I said, he cares about you. And me."   "Yeah. So then dad needs to forgive you."  

"It's not that simple baby."   "But you love him right?" Amelia asks. "Of course."   "And he loves you"  "well that's debatable." I laugh but she's serious. "He does. So he needs to just figure this out." Amelia says. "We'll handle it Amelia. You don't need to stress about it ok?"  "Okkkkk."

We just got home, Amelia went up to her room, I'm attempting to call blake. I know I shouldn't, I should let him be, but I'm just missing him a lot. "Hello" he answers. "Hey baby." Then he doesn't say anything "what're you doing?" I asked. "Just watching tv. Why?"   "Just wondering....I miss you Blake a lot.."   "Lana.." he groans. "I know I shouldn't be calling you but-"   "Lana I have to go, ok? Text me if Amelia needs anything." He said hanging up. Well shit. Ok then. Ughhhhhhh. This sucks.

It's The next day and I'm making Amelia breakfast. I feel bad about all that's going on. She comes downstairs "morning" she yawns.  "Hey baby girl. I'm making you chocolate chip waffles!" I smile. "We thanks mom!" She says sitting at the table. "Have you talked to dad?" She adds. "No. not really."   "Oh ok. I was thinking I might go see him today, maybe."  "You should! He probably misses you." I said handing her her waffles and sitting next to her. "Well he should have stayed home then." She says. "Don't be mad at him, ok?"   "Ok. I won't. It's just stupid."  "It is. But.."

Amelia's pov
I'm with alex, he's dropping me off at bryons to see my dad. "Your mom does not seem like the cheating type.." alex says. "Yeah that's what I thought. But I don't know. Her and Jimmy have always been super close. I should have seen it coming." I sighed. "There's no way you could have seen that coming. It's not your fault."   "Yeah..hey could we stop somewhere else first?" I ask. "Yeah of course, where?"  "Jimmys." "Are you sure?" "Yes. I need to talk to him."

I knock on jimmys door, I have so many thoughts running through my head right this where my mom would go to see him? I'm mad at him but I need to say stuff to him. "Amelia?? Are you ok? Is your mom ok??" "Hey. Yeah we're fine. I just, I wanted to come say some things.." "ok, come in." He says stepping out of the way. "Does your mom know you're here?" He asks. We go and sit on his sofa, there's a picture of him and my mom when they were kids on the wall. "No, she doesn't. My boyfriend drove me here. I just wanted to say thank you for the guitar, I really love it. Mom is teaching me how to use it. And I wanted to say that, I get it, I get your relationship with my mom-"

"Amelia I'm really sorry, I've never forgiven myself for hurting you, or your mom, because now it's caught up to us and we aren't going to be able to stay in contact with each other anymore because of what we did." "I know. I forgive you. That's what I'm here to say. I forgive you and just know my mom really misses you, and I know it's killing her." I said getting teary eyed, then I look over at the picture of them when they were my age, Jimmy looks at it and smiles then hugs me. "I know it is. It's killing me too. But we both know that we love each other so it's going to be okay." "Can I take a picture of this?" I ask him. "Of course." He nods.

I pull out my phone get up, and take a picture of the picture of my mom and Jimmy. She looks soooo young, they look so happy. "You look just like she did when she was younger." He smiles. I laugh. "I wish. Well I should go now." "Thanks for coming to see me Amelia. I really appreciate it." "You're welcome." I smile. "Take care of your mom for me ok? And learn some awesome songs on that guitar." I laugh "i will. Bye Jimmy." I smile walking out.

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