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Dean came out of the bathroom over an hour later and Sam basically jumped on him.

"Dean! I...I thought... Are you okay?"

Dean tried to brush him off him.

"I'll call Cas, I-I'll call him right now! Are you okay? Cas!"


Dean said, sitting down on the bed, rubbing his forehead.

"Are you sure?"

Sam sat down next to him. He gripped his shoulder.

"I'm sure. I did something horrible to Cas and you calling him won't help."
"...Okay. Are you okay? Please, talk to me."
"No i'm fine."


"Sam, stop. I'm not talking about it because you saw it. That's how it went down. I did something stupid, it's not the first time."
"...Are you sure?"



Sam let go of Dean's shoulder and sighed.

"I get it that you're mad that we couldn't come sooner but even if I explain it, it won't make sense to you."
"We fight monsters. Everything that shouldn't make sense, does."

"So you want me to...explain it?"

"Go for it."

Dean laid back down. Sam took a breath.

"We were hunting the shifter. Going through the old building trying to find him."

"I remember that."

"Well. I found it. I killed it. I called out to you. But you were nowhere to be found. I happened to glance out one of the broken windows, and watched your unconscious body be carried away by two dark figures. I was frightened. I yelled out at them and they started to run. By the time I ran outside they were long gone. I called for Cas. He hardly ever come to my call but it only took two calls for him to show. I told him what happened. But the area we were in was messing with his power. It was harder than normal for him to locate you. But he eventually found you. However when we learned they were vamps, we also learned they had the whole forest encircled in a pre-set holy fire ring. So once Cas stepped inside, it lit up like a Christmas tree. I had to help him escape because I can't take on a bunch of vamps myself. We showed up just as the vamp bitch sank his teeth into you. Cas and I went hay wire until you came too. Then we left."

"That it?"

"Sums it up, yeah."

Sam looked back at Dean.

"So why did you lie to me?"

"Technically I wasn't lying. I just... didn't want you to be ashamed of how stupid I was. Letting you get taken away... I thought with a short story you'd brush it off and be over with it."


Dean looked at Sam.

"Well you assumed wrong and now Cas is pissed at me and I cried like a bitch."

"You cried?"

Dean tensed up.


He mumbled, sitting up and looking at Cas. Who was standing by the door.

"You cried."

Cas repeated, in more of a statement format. Dean glared at him before sighing, and looking away. He scratched the back of his head nervously.

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