#5 The Background On His Phone

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Harry: You sitting in his lap asleep

The boys were having a movie night at Zayns and invited you along. You were sitting in Harrys lap and he had his arms around you waist. Soon enough you fell asleep. Harry thourght it was so cute so he asked Niall to take a photo while he kissed you forehead. When Niall took the photo Harry set it as his wallpaper and sent the photo to you saying you looked so cute.

Louis: You on his sholders 

You and Louis were at the park with the boys one day just mucking around. You hoped up onto his sholders and he started to run around. While this was happening Harry grabbed his phone and snapped at photo of it. Later that night Harry sent the photo to Louis. Louis thourght it was so adorable he set it as his background and he never changed it.

Zayn: Him and you pulling funny faces

Zayn had the day off and you were just lounging around, when he desided to take some selfies with you. You had a great time taking selfies and uploading them on twitter when one photo caught his eye. He loved the photo so much that he set it has his background and got a bigger one printed out and framed to hang on the wall.

Niall: Him and you kissing 

Niall was on tour and brought you with him. When you were in Australia and you and Niall were kissing Liam took a photo because he thourght it look cute. When you arrived him  Liam sent it to Niall. When Niall saw it he loved the photo so he set it as his phone wallpaper.

Liam: Him and you infront of the Eiffel Tower

Ever since you were little you had wanted to go to Paris so for your 18th birthday he took you on a holiday there. When you went to the Eiffel Tower you got someone to take your photo infront of the building. He loved the photo so much that he set it as his background so h would never forget how happy we were.

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